What did you do today?
I slept 13 hours...
I sat on my ass, laid on my back, and sweated. A lot. And I continue to do so. Fucking lack of ventilation and/or air conditioning.
The dog barked and woke me up super early, like 2pm. Then I asked my dad to get me some beer for tonight and of course he said, "If you want beer, why not get a job and buy it yourself?" I hate my parents and can't wait until I move out.
I'm 26.
I didn't sleep, I went and babysat three funny kids for an hour, and swam a bit. Now I'm getting ready for my friend's play.
I woke up at 7 and thought OH FUCK I'M 5 HOURS LATE FOR WORK
Then I realized it was 7a.m. and went back to bed.
Stayed up until 04:00 watching Texhnolyze and posting on /a/ after having some vodka last night.
Then I woke up at 08:00 and had a bit of tea and a small bowl of rice after a hot shower. Went on IRC and chatted a bit while repeating the events of last night.
No ironic posts allowed here, mister!
Everything in my post was true. Though I'll admit to dressing it up a little so I can play it off as self-deprecating humor if need be.
I had an enjoyable night, but as a result just 2 hours of sleep. I went to my new job and had a lot of coffee. I was so fatigued I accidentally got on the wrong subway, went to my old apartment, then realized I moved into my girlfriends.
At least being Friday I can do it all again without having to get up early.
I was thinking about making a sort of slice-of-life thread like this one /general/.
After I got bored with Texhnolyze for the day, I listened to some old Dio albums and wrote some emails back and forth with some guy I met on a certain imageboard's anime board. Pretty interesting talking with a complete stranger in that way... he filled up 3 notebooks with drawings inspired by Yume Nikki, how impressive is that? I got a .zip with over 600 images of one character and a game called .flow's OST tossed in with it, too. It's a really odd kind of link between two people, but it's reassuring to know that there are other people with your same interests out there.
I donated $50 to a site called Tohno-chan for no reason at all.
Right now I'm making some delicious bacon to celebrate some fun games in DOTA 2 and then I'm going to go hang out with a new friend. It's fun to smoke and drink and talk about the world. Recently I've been thinking a lot on the topics of "strength" and "weakness." Hopefully my friend has some interesting thoughts.
I don't wanna hang out tonight, guys! Can I just stay home and watch anime instead??
I can't tell if I'm miserable or merely ill. Probably both?
I hate the feeling of sweat collecting underneath my almost-manboobs.
The Flash Player plugin in my Google Chrome browser keeps running out of memory and crashing, forcing me to close down and restart my browser, even though I'd like to think 8GB is a pretty decent amount of RAM for a Windows 7 x64 machine these days. I do tend to have a lot of tabs using Flash open at the same time, but it shouldn't be hogging all that much memory to load those Nico Nico Douga videos.
Also, what's up with Chrome not having a session saver function built in? "Bookmark all tabs" only works on individual windows as well.
If you go to your settings and select "Continue where I left off" under "On startup" then it should save your current session when you close it.
Thanks, does this work with multiple open windows as well, though? The only other way I've found to resume such sessions was to kill the whole process tree.
My computer is slow and old and terrible and keeps sounding like it's going to break. I need a new one, but that means getting money. And getting money means finding a job. And I can't find a job because I'm a lethargic NEET with no motivation, skills or experience.
I could not sleep last night. I would doze for 40 minutes, wake up for a couple hours, doze off again. Once the sun came up, I gave up and sat outside and wrote some ideas down in my notebook. It's strange, but I think so clear at odd hours of the day and with little sleep.
I was thinking, if I die I wonder what would happen to everything I've wrote? I've spent my entire life writing musings and philosophy - there are hundreds of old journals lying around my place. It seems a waste no one will ever see them, but then it feels narcissistic to assume they hold enough value that someone would go out of their way to bother. I once met a guy who said he burned them after finishing which was interesting but I don't think I could do that.
I dreamed last night that I worked in some factory and that I fucked my childhood friend at a Halloween party. Then I was a waiter in an expensive restaurant. I wonder what it could mean.
A human is coming to my house tomorrow to hang out and I'm scared
played a 1.5 hour long game of dota 2, watched more texhnolyze, drew. talked to a cute girl i used to go to middle school with and made plans to meet up again, even though she's a hikki now.
Got a new internet connection today. It's...4 times faster than what was in the place I moved into. Now I just need more disk space so I can brutally rape the bandwidth.
Also fireworks! ((´^ω^))
Today I have work, then a battle of the bands in a park which my friends will be playing at.
I went for a walk last night at around 2AM. My leg hurt, so I sat down for a rest. I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I remember it's slightly sunny out and I was waking up outside.
Today at work all my co-workers got together and tricked me into eating some awful spicy fruit.
I hung out with a friend and we walked 2 miles in the heat to get ice cream.
My dad is so shitty /livejournal/! "I care about you, I only want you to be happy," he says. "I understand that you care about different things than I do in life," he continues, "And that's alright. But you aren't happy in life, and I know this because you don't care about the same things that I do," he implies, "which is why I'm going to yell at you and beat you and sit in your room for hours watching you sleep until you do," which are what his actions suggest.
Well, whatever it was. It looked like a little tiny deformed pepper. But I've eaten peppers before that had no spice to them. Are peppers not fruit?
Nothing of note yesterday, but I'm applying at a movie rental store tomorrow.
I want to play DOTA 2 with you. Come on Steam
I slacked off, watched cute little girl cartoons and played VNs. Also stole some dudes IRC nick on the Eris-Free Network after his shell dropped.
I woke up at 5, going to go babysit, then read One Piece all day.
Fuck my job, fuck people, and fuck goals. I don't care anymore, I'm just going to live until I die.
I shitposted 469 times on 4chan last night.
Tokiko forced "NSJ" and admits to it, yet non-Tokiko people still use it.
I wonder if Usenet was so easily trolled by teenagers.
I did over 800 times.
It's so disgusting how there's people who are obsessed with sex.
Today I watched Wandering Son and read the manga. I also chatted quite a bit on MSN and read some papers on post-structuralism. My dog is acting up because some people are shooting off fireworks, it's awful.
I watched magical girl animes all day.
Bought PS2 games, left them on a park bench.
They were stolen.
I see my lover today.
God damn it. It's 11 PM, I have two Japanese essays to hand in tomorrow (0% done), and I've just pried myself loose from an IRC discussion of the thermodynamics and logistics failure that is the planet-wide city. And now here I am, with a freshly loaded DQN board to peruse. What the fuck is wrong with me?
I actually feel upset for you. If I were you I'd probably break down and cry.
I have some weird psychological sexual problems and I should probably talk to a shrink about it, but 1) I don't have the money and 2) even if I did, he wouldn't be able to help me anyway.
Is it bad that I want to hear all about >>62's problems, even though I probably won't be able to provide a setution?
I slept in until 4pm because I was up all night last night contemplating suicide. Looks like I'm hitting bottom again.
How can you “contemplate” suicide for so long?
Just kill yourself if you want. You have that right.
>>65 I tried not that long ago and failed and am presently drowning in medical bills. Would rather not fail again and have even more debt.
>>64 should try Primal Scream therapy.
Life sucks. It also doesn't. You'll never find out either way if you decide to kill yourself.
Don't though. Yes, you have the right. But don't. It's fucking stupid.
>>67 Same here. Fortunately I don't have a job, so I can't pay them anyway.
Suicide is the noblest way to die and I respect anyone who goes through with it.
Fairly certain research has shown this sort of venting doesn't work.
But the only people who kill themselves are those too weak to live. How can you call a weak person noble? It's much more noble to overcome rather than to succumb.
Nonsense! My friends and I have a daily primal screaming session and it does wonders. We've also found it to be quite an effective method of clearing out playgrounds when we want to use the swings. Sometimes you've gotta ask yourself: what's more important, my mental well-being or my vocal cords?
>>73 Death is the only real choice we have the opportunity to take for ourselves in this world. The only way to win is to not play.
Today I ran, fapped, learned new thing, read a book, and now I am interneting.
Today I read about a quarter of Julius Evola's Men Among the Ruins, slept a lot, posted on ODSC, played some Dota 2, and wrote some.
I feel bad about posting in this thread
From Evola to DQN? Do you require any sort of decompression in between, or do you just jump right into the deep end of DQN DQN LOL?
I should go to sleep now especially since I stayed up late the past 2 nights but I'm avoiding tomorrow because I know it's going to suck.
Is this in response to finding out about DQN's formerly-resident pedophile-turned-protofascist pedophile or what
Today I am to treat myself to more of the Maine Interational Film Festival!
I'm going to go see Ai WeiWei: Never Sorry. I've been working hard. I should treat myself.
Well, it's time to practice driving. Gotta get my license soon.
Wake up around two, check Facebook, take a piss. Now I'm here.
Wake up, Eat, go on textboards.
Good luck to you!
I never bothered to get mine because I can't afford a car anyway.
Today I went out with someone, ate mushrooms, spend the afternoon really high while screwing around and talking about deconstructionism and mathematical philosophies with some people. Now I'm surfing this here World Wide Web everyone is on these days, discovering new and exciting things. ( ´・ω・)
wake up, go to work for 10 hours, return home, eat, go back out, find no mail in my p.o. box, go to the bookstore and dick around, stop by the bar for a pint, come back, and here I am in front of the computer drinking more. I have a full and fucking happy life, I do.
I'm happiest when I'm at work, since there I don't have time to think about what I piece of shit I am.
Didn't get to talk with that wonderful girl.
Drank whiskey. Read more Evola. Slept. Drank gin. Fed in LoL. Slept.
Accidentally spilled water on my laptop keyboard while super drunk, talked with a bunch of stalkerish freaks from meta-ironic communities online, got pissed off that I haven't been able to go on IRC for days (can't connect to my shell), Skyped with some twitter peeps, tweeted, and got some sushi
>stalkerish freaks from meta-ironic communities
I am intrigued. But my doctor has me on a low-irony diet.
Last night I hung out with a girl from /jp/ for a few hours and read manga and had 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine.
She looks cute sleeping. How very, very awkward. (‘ω‘` )
Woke up. Realized it was only 9am. Slept some more. Woke up again. Internetting.
I'm going to throw out a few buzzwords: FYAD, YCS, LF, YTMND, ALOL, Steam, Twitter
Same as yesterday. work, eat, fuck around on internet, sleep.
I always get depressed at night. Maybe it's because I have no companionship.
I'm in a livestream, chatting with a friend, playing Runescape and watching The Big O. It's a nice night.