[MYSTERY] Murder Mystery Thread [MURDER] (117)

52 Name: Minister of Password Entering and File Opening : 1993-09-7115 20:56

Hmm... There are a number of directories... one is labelled "porn," another is labelled "cool links," and another is labelled "vacation".

Since I'm not involved in the Ministry of Directory Opening, this is out of my power to investigate... However, there are two files.


I'll open the pdf:
The system cannot find the file specified.

hmm... I guess I'll open the txt then.

Oh my, it seems to be in code. Can I get the Ministry of Decoding on the line?

Here's the file:


(out of character: Yes this is a real code! It shouldn't be too difficult if you are familiar with computer codes. Don't give up if it doesn't look right at first... just give it a second and all should be clear!)
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