We seem to have lost contact with the Control Tower [Grinding Noises][Part II] (867)

164 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7776 01:03

Snapping suddenly out of your trance, you find yourself overcome with rage. How dare this woman treat you like that? Why, you were in a very sensitive position and in need of every quantum of sympathy and solace - and instead she assaulted you, heartlessly turned you out on your backside and threatened to kill you. You cannot possibly let this stand.

You barge past the divider with its feeble "DO NOT DISTURB" missive and into the corridor beyond, gripping your scissors in preparation for your impending act of homicide and cannibalism. Immediately to the left you find a dark blue office door with an inset pane of frosted glass. Compared to the rest of the building, it seems in remarkably good shape, in fact you suspect it to have been repainted not long ago.

You slam the door open, but find that your entrance was anticipated. The last thing you perceive is a disappointed sigh, then, with a loud bang, a whaling harpoon is launched into your skull, entering through your left orbit, tearing all the way through your brain like a needle through warm butter, and bursting out the back of your parietal bone. So much momentum is conferred by the shot that your body is actually thrown back out of the room, landing with a dull thump against the opposite wall.

Deaths: 2

(Continuing from most recent saved game: >>160)

You gather together the shreds of your injured pride, try to ignore the aching of your ribs, and head Northwards, through the camp, along the corridor, past the plaza and into the rainforest. You have no idea where the nearest city is, but the more heavily travelled track seems your best bet. You follow the gently meandering path through the vegetation, showered the entire time by the ongoing hydrometeor. The crooked trees grow thickly and silently from either side, leaning over the path and occasionally letting large drops of gathered rainwater fall onto you. Apart from the rain, everything is perfectly still and silent, with no signs of life whatsoever.

Eventually, the trees begin to thin out a little, allowing you glimpses of things beyond. You can make out a tall metal framework structure, possibly a radio tower, a few hundred metres to the Northwest. Beside it is the outline of something large and white, probably some sort of building. It certainly isn't a city, but it's about the closest you've found so far.

You notice a flash of colour out of the corner of your eye. Perched on a branch, staring down at you, is a large red bird. It has a short black beak and beady little black eyes. No sooner have you spotted it than it spreads its wings and dives into the thickest part of the undergrowth, to the East. It sits tantalisingly out of reach, staring at you, as though challenging you. It certainly isn't food, but it's the closest you've found so far.

The path, meanwhile, continues to the North, banking gently to the Northeast. Upon careful reflection, you don't think you're strong enough to brutally kill all those grunts and that woman, not to mention whoever else might've been in the camp whom you didn't meet.

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