We seem to have lost contact with the Control Tower [Grinding Noises][Part II] (855)

205 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7783 00:49

You take the appearance of the eccentric levitating young mistress to be a sign that things are about to take a turn for the surreal. In all likelihood, she probably isn't even real. Maybe you're in the midst of a lucid dream, or maybe you accidentally imbibed some sort of hallucinogenic earlier, or maybe you're simply losing your mind and she is the embodiment of your guilt over robbing some innocent person's camp earlier.

"Never mind that, won't you join me in partaking of some of those delectable looking clouds instead?" you suggest conspiratorially. You try to will yourself to start flying away towards the horizon, but remain obstinately earthbound. "As you wish," the girl says, carefully enunciating each word, her smile growing unnaturally wide.

Next thing you know, your vision goes entirely white, and you feel a cold, damp sensation across your entire body. Air rushes into your face, flowing ever ever faster, until suddenly you find yourself several hundred metres above the ground, plummeting towards the ground at terminal velocity. As far as you can see is nothing but rainforest, broken in places by occasional rivers, lakes, mountains, and the roofs of a few concrete buildings that look rather out of place.

By your side, keeping pace with you but seemingly unaffected by the precipitous descent, is the girl in lilac. She has a little tuft of cloud wrapped around one finger, which she sticks into her mouth, sucks on, then comments "Doesn't taste like candyfloss at all, does it? How disappointing."

You continue falling until at last you collide with the unsympathetic ground. You strike the earth so hard that several of your limbs are detached entirely, and parts of your anatomy end up distributed across a not entirely unimpressive area.

Deaths: 5

(Continuing from most recent saved game: >>200)

Eager to escape retribution, you claim to know the location of her apparent quarry, whom you suspect to be the semi-feral girl you met and adopted earlier. Technically, you don't know her location precisely, but you know she must be somewhere nearby. You claim you will only divulge the information if offered a) her word that she will not harm you, directly or indirectly and b) at least one more sausage.

She raises her eyebrows in surprise, but complies. "So be it," she says offhandedly. She rummages around in the bag by her side and draws out a large piece of Hungarian téliszalámi, offering it to you. "Now, as agreed, kindly tell me where Jack is." she demands, her voice taking on a slightly steely tone.

"These aren't your sausages," you tell her slowly and confidently, gesturing to the meat products by your side. "Well, they're not yours either," she counters. "In fact, I have reason to believe they were a gift from the very lady I'm searching for. Speaking of which, where is she?"

You cave in to the stressful line of questioning and throw yourself to the ground just inside the doorway, covering your face and the back of your neck as best you can. You lie perfectly still, waiting for the threat to pass. Though you could now resist the worst of the radiation of a thermonuclear explosion, you have no defence from the young lady you have attempted to deceive.

She takes the hint, however, and offers cheerily "Well, seeing as you aren't feeling talkative just now, how's about this: meet me back here at midday tomorrow, with Jack. If you fail this task," she says, as her smile expands as though threatening to leave her face entirely, "I'll track you down and kill you, slowly and painfully, for my own amusement. See you tomorrow!"

And with that, she vanishes, just as suddenly as she appeared. It is currently mid-afternoon. Within the building is a dangerous looking basement and an almost inaccessible upstairs area. Outside, you could follow the brook downstream to the small abandoned camp or upstream into the unknown, or follow the path Northwest.

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