We seem to have lost contact with the Control Tower [Grinding Noises][Part II] (867)

334 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7839 23:42

You don't know much about human concepts like "skillpoints" or "allocating", but you nonetheless manage to increase your aerokinesis level to one. You thereby gain the following skill:

  • Summon gust (active skill): can create a weak, momentary gust of wind nearby. Must originate within five metres of your position. Costs 10 mana.

You locate a discarded slice of sausage near the remains of the campfire in the centre of the room. Disappointingly, it doesn't put up much of a fight when you pounce on it, but the taste is still quite agreeable.

You pause where you are, ears pointed, whiskers twitching slightly. Something isn't right. Your instinct wills you to stand and fight or run away, but you aren't even sure what from. It takes you a moment to realise that the beast that threatens you lurks within - adorable, furry, and possessing of ghostlike agility as you are. Finally it dawns upon you that you are afraid of your own indwelling uncatlike behaviour. What were you thinking, dabbling in magic? And what are you doing questioning your own conduct? Cats aren't supposed to doubt themselves. If you are a cat, then why are you behaving like this? And if you aren't a cat, then what are you but a discoloured, deformed mammal?

Displaying eminent self discipline, you shake off the nascent existential crisis. Just as you are relaxing, however, an enormous animal's head, on a long, snaking neck like that of a rokurokubi, snakes its way into the room from the North. Composure shattered, you cower in abject terror, ready to flee at any moment. You have never seen an animal like this in your life. Next to it, however, is a creature even more terrifying: an all too familiar young girl in an overdecorated frilled lilac dress. Upon sighting you her face lights up in unabashed delight. "Theodore!" she cries affectionately, "Thank goodness you're alright!" She rushes towards you, completely unheeding the incredible amount of gore and carnage all around, arms spread ready to clasp you in a tight embrace.

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