ITT we report on the freaks we see around the 'hood (101)

51 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8279 21:25

He was a very dorky guy who was slightly overweight and very unhealthy looking. He and his friends were having a conversation in the library that everyone could hear. Occasionally, he would brag about his highschool achievements despite that he was about to enter graduate school (which he claimed was prestigious). It caught me by surprise when he said he had a "runner's body," which I couldn't imagine what led him to believe that. Then he started talking about drugs. A friend of his was prescribed a drug that was "so powerful it had the same legal status as marijuana." Sometimes people in his group would repeat each other if they thought another person said something funny. Basically, I need to move to a different location, and stop directing all this hate at him.

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