Go ahead and dish; I promise it won't hurt their feelings.
A guy in nothing but his footy shorts, wandering around and yelling about how someone needs to sweep up the leaves on the road
The fishman wanders around my town. He's fat enough to not have a neck any more, is bald, wears coke-bottle glasses and mouth-breathes with his huge-lipped gob like a human goldfish. Apart from the mouth breathing, he has nothing resembling an expression going on - the rest of his face is completely slack.
I wonder if he's from Innsmouth.
Guy crosses the street this morning while traffic's flying along, sleeping bag on one shoulder and the other hand flipping off incoming cars while he yells "ASSHOLE!" over and over and over. He even kept yelling "ASSHOLE" after he'd crossed the street and was walking down an alleyway.
Way to fight the power, dude.
Someone driving a totally blacked out Prius. Windows, taillights, the whole thing. He'd even removed the Toyota logo and tags from it. I guess it was about as scary looking as a Prius can get.
I think I know that guy, especially the "runner's body" part, but the guy I'm thinking of wasn't "about to enter graduate school" (though he would have said "join the graduate program" or something), he was about to start taking graduate classes about the time that post was made. He failed/dropped all of them.
Dude carrying two paper shopping bags while wearing a sweater and knit hat in 80 degree weather belting out "Tuck Everlasting" at the top of his lungs.
Homeless guy with a shopping cart full of crap just announced "Will our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ please take the stand?"
I loitered for a while, but he didn't say anything else. I was mildly disappointed.
I was on the bus today, and some black lady came onto the bus with what appeared to be one of those luggage cases with the wheels on the bottom that you bring into the airports. It was this kitschy, faded pink floral decoration, and she wore a scarf on her head and generally just a lot more clothing than one should expect here in Southern Arizona. Well, this chubby, white teenaged girl with blue hair had come onto the bus one stop earlier, and I guess she ostensibly snapped a picture of the black lady or something because that lady started talking to herself really loudly in a weird, passive-aggressive kind of way. And then she started yelling at the teenaged girl, and the girl asked her why she was yelling at her. It was at that point that the strange lady accused her of snapping the picture. She yelled a little bit more, and then she pulled out a bottle of Sriracha which she called my mace'' because she had been
arrested before" and presumably couldn't carry actual mace. It was really strange, and I was a little scared that she would actually start flinging Sriracha all over the place and make a mess.
I saw a dude vibrating his head pretty fast. Also he had robot legs and was on some weird high speed Segway scooter thing zipping away.
Some heavy dude sleeping, wrapped in one of those aluminum foil looking emergency blankets. My inner censor was asleep at the wheel and I blurted out "Hey, a burrito!"
Some guy writing out a religious manifesto. Well, it might be not be, but he's always here and it's typing up this monster of a thing
anything longer than a tweet is a manifesto
attention spans are dead and buried
we idiocracy now
This guy's been playing shitty Mexican tuba music from his motorcycle for the last couple days at night outside somewhere. Does he not have a place to sleep? Go away.
Older black guy sitting in the corner of the restaurant, literally slapping his knee to the Big Bang Theory. It seemed like he was friends with the people that worked there.
Fat babyfaced college age guy walking around with a my little pony and teddy bear hanging from his backpack, just like the Japanese girls do.
white people past two:
"he's half china-person, half puerto rican"
girl: "i want to get in HIS PANTS"
(captcha: scare)
"freaks" is racis
This can't be real because asians have small cocks and girls hate small cocks
I see this kid a lot, he's maybe 19 years old and he seems kinda slow, maybe not quite full retard but like Forest Gump retard. He just rides a bike around the neighborhood all day, but every time I see him he's on a different one, I'm pretty sure he steals them.
Old dude at the grocery store buying nothing but like 15 24-packs of coke and a big bag of limes. They don't sell hard alcohol at grocery stores in my state so I'm 100% sure that his next stop was at the liquor store for some rum.
Buncha white tech boys laughing to each other about how women are stupid for complaining about the size of the new iphone because it's not a problem for them personally
Some dogs are having a conversation with each other, like listening while the other barks and making different bark noises. I think they might be talking about me
alcoholic neighbor forgot his keys again and started yelling and getting really angry
Mystery meat girl with a "Diversifying The Face Of Medicine" black t-shirt on just settled in nearby.
Surprise of the year, she's fat.
Something smells like weed.
Except weed is legal here, so it’s not really an issue.
Missed the actual freak, but he left his spoor in the form of chalk writing at the bus stop. Top line had "FIGHT CAPITALISM" with that commie sickle & hammer logo to each side of it, and "FIGHT HEIRARCHY" with anarchy symbols on each side.
So 3dgy!
A dude about six feet tall, maybe 130 lbs soaking wet, with long messy hair and a beard to match. He was wearing a filthy comforter, sweatpants and sandals. He was talking to his imaginary friends about the little details of a trucker's life. The interesting part to me was him talking about getting an 8 lb cheeseburger, cutting it like a pizza and keeping it in the passenger seat to eat when roads were straight and traffic was sparse.
That sounded plausible. Next time I do a multistate road trip, I'm trying that out.
I needed to recycle some oil, so I went to one of my local auto parts stores. The salesman had a Sailor Moon magic wand tatoo on his arm. On the way out, I said "Thanks otaku" but he looked really offended when I said that.
buncha man-bunned soys burning shit down in downtown.
Saw a really pretty girl pushing a pram when I came out of my house, she looked about 16 or 17 with a cute little black baby. Weird to think this sweet little flower got creampied by some black guy a year or two ago. Lots of teen pregnancies around here
Bro its just a nephew damn.
I was grabbing some bibimbap at my local korean dive - whilst waiting for it to arrive, I overheard another patron loudly declaring how he was NOT a member of the masonic order. I turn around to witness this grown adult continue to lecture two terrified asian customers on how:
all whilst the other (female) customers sheepishly nodded in response, trying to break eye contact. Thankfully during the next break in conversation, the hapless pair were able to quickly wave goodbye, and then move upstairs (where there are more tables)
There was a flash flood. The street looked like a rushing river. It was pretty cool
>>88 What, no it wasn't, there are lots of pregnant teens and teens pushing prams/double-prams here. You have to squeeze round them any time you get on the bus. It's partly the reason I moved here! I often imagine the situations the babies were conceived in.
Girl sitting across from me in the dining hall, with a pickle rick sticker on her laptop.
Some guy in a hot hatch was stopped at the traffic lights, blasting porn on his car sound system
A man in a wolf fursuit, riding a bicycle, waving at bystanders.
Two, riding a bus:
An older-but-not-elderly hispanic woman wearing 2000s-looking headphones, a "funny" graphic tee and leggings where her saggy ass was hanging out of somewhat.
Another older-but-not-elderly woman having a profanity laden outburst at the driver because she took the wrong line, including at the driver and the beggar I was sitting next to.
The bus is just fucking crazy people central. I had to sit next to this fat old druggie ranting and raving to this old also probably a druggie native indian bitch about traffic and people parking like shit and just whatever he felt like talking about that day.
>>96 Maybe you should try taking drugs before you get on the bus before you cast aspersions
I am obligated to report on this incident in here.
I was getting off the subway at 2:10-ish(?) AM and I stopped by the bathrooms at the station. There I saw what may be the most life-changing thing I've ever witnessed.
There was a black man, hands in his hoodie pockets, pulling his pants forward through the hoodie to expose his schlongus, drying his cock in the hand dryer. The entire time I was pissing he was doing this.
Then just as I finish pissing, a second black man walks out of the stall, pulling up his pants, he has a severe underbite, and he also walks up to the hand dryer, pulls the back of his pants away from his ass, and proceeds to dry his ass off in the same hand dryer too now that the previous black man had left.
I sure do wonder what two black men were doing in the men's bathroom at 2 AM that required them to dry off their cock and ass.
Also both of them were pitch black. Some of the blackest I've ever seen.
There's a bag lady who pulls around a trailer with a bunch of nesting material in addition to the usual hobo crap. She seems to like building that nest in a covered bus stop and yelling angry nonsense at passing cars.
lol, I remember years ago I was on a bus once that was going over a freshly repaved road so fresh you could still smell the asphalt smells, and one of a pair of old guys who'd been having a lively conversation paused and said in his really gravely smoker-sounding voice, "You smell that? That's what causes cancer you know."
Tall skinny guy with black lipstick and eyeshadow, and yellow, not blonde, YELLOW hair.
Ugly fucker, too.