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707 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9009 05:34

Painkillers feel good. In fact, they feel TOO good. They feel so good that nothing else compares. They feel so good that being normal feels awful by comparison. So you keep on chasing the next high. You pawn off goods to buy more so you can get your next fix.You get horrible withdrawals if you go too long without getting high again. Your life falls apart and you donft even care because all you can think about is getting high again. Your body builds up a tolerance so you need more and more to feel as good as when you first starting using. You will try desperately to recreate that experience of getting high for the first time, but it just doesnft happen. It never feels as good as the last time. You could go on a t-break, but thatfs too hard for you. You call in sick day after day.

Your entire personality and existence are consumed by this addiction and you are a mere shell of the person you once were. Hobbies and interests are gone. Your career is in the toilet. You are aware of these issues and how itfs affecting you and your loved ones and you donft even care because you NEED to get high again. Bills pile up. You run out of money so you start selling your body for drugs. You forego buying food to save up for more opioids. You go from prescription pills to heroin. You steal from friends and family. You fuck up your veins and use the same needles over and over again. You become homeless but you still think getting high again is your top priority in life. But eventually, your tolerance is so high that you have to take dangerous amounts to feel good again. To feel like the first time you got high. You know, that harmless time you said youfd try it gjust this once.h With such a high tolerance, you overdose. No one is sad for you and you donft get a proper funeral. If anything, your family is relieved that you are no longer a burden and no longer suffering as a homeless junkie. You brought great shame and tragedy to your family so they avoid telling people they even had you at all.

No one plans on becoming an addict. Opioids arenft like weed or alcohol. They will destroy your life.

I have a relative who died of a fentanyl overdose and someone else who used to be a heroin addict. Opioids are terrible. And you might be thinking drugs onl affect poor people and red necks, right? Wrong. In both cases I described, they were white and from liberal upper middle class families. Drugs devastate all kinds of communities.

You wanna smoke cigarettes? Fine. Wanna smoke weed? Sure, who cares. Wanna drink? Well, that can be bad, but a lot of people do it anyway. But never try hard drugs. Not even once. Thatfs all it takes to open Pandora's box. Thatfs all it takes to catalyze your demise.

This site is usually for humor or made up stories, but this is very serious.

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