Lil B is in the quotation of definition 1
>>573 He's in >>529 but not >>523,524 that >>525 was referring to. I used to think people praising "The Based God" was ridiculous but then Im Down Bad came on my iPod when I was lying on the motorway once, and it made me think maybe Lil B and possibly a bunch of other great people are holy prophets, I want to LIVE
honestly i think lil b and kanye are just crazy. they say they're god/jesus and proceed to act like idiots. it's the same as when atheists say god is just a metaphor, or a feeling, or something lame like that
the subject of the article is not inherently DQN QUALITY, but the attentive reader will detect subtle hints of DQN QUALITY throughout the text
also shoutout to 307 in "ITT your last google search" for making me look at it
>>584 I just hung a framed picture of a landmark featured on this list on my wall the other day!
>>585 Those paps were mentioned in passing before
>>592 This one is way better.
>>593 i just like how the felinology article is: "felinology is the study of cats. "felinology" is greek for "studying cats". here's a picture of a cat."
Sounds like an ironic punishment for gothblocking if you remember that
This has to have been posted, right?
I thought this was going to be something to do with helium gas in Germany.
But it's good to know though that I was being part of a time-honored tradition back when I drew comics about a supervillain called Fartholomew whose superpower you can probably guess.
Hold up. Are you me? Because I did that exact thing too, right down to the name.
Did yours have a pig nose too?
>>647 I'm only yanking your tadger mate I just copy-pasted your response to the last time He-Gassen was posted, for a little joke. I'm not you