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100 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10128 12:04

me, i think it's really cool how if you live in america you have to do days worth of individual research and end up like the dude from the always sunny screenshot w/ the hundreds of different pieces of thread tacked to a bulletin board just to find a brand of oats that hasnt been sprayed directly with carcinogenic pesticides

remember this next time some politician is saying some populistic shit and pretending to give a shit about the common man, they literally do not care if you and your children end up eating literal poison every day if it means their wealthy benefactors can make a few more dollars. other countries have banned pre-harvest glyphosphate desiccation because they actually care about their citizenry, it's just too bad that the USA isn't a country but the world's largest open air cattle farm, and u are the cattle

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