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245 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10197 15:53

The science behind abstaining from masturbation is weak, though admittedly it was difficult to find actual research and not journalists who can barely hide their disgust for the "manosphere", though even researchers seem more concerned with the NoFap sites as well. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NoFap#Research_concerning_NoFap_forums_and_followers) Perhaps maybe for the officially branded NoFap site but I don't think people who don't want to masturbate are racist extremists and are at risk of committing violence, perhaps this research is before this kind of language became derided and uncool.

Anyway, most people who claim benefits are mostly self-reporting increased willpower, sex drive, healthier views on women, etc. Like the Teslas and Gandhis before them, perhaps it actually does help certain people achieve their goals but it sounds like a placebo but there is nothing wrong with that, people have believed in stuff like this and it has helped them through almost all of human history.

I don't know what to make of it, I'll just say it can help but it won't empirically do anything. Though, a lot of people who do attempt this sort of thing have obvious addictions and emotional problems that need to be attacked at the root, rather than just stopping whatever action is done, although I don't blame them for trying this as drug addicts often try to quit cold turkey before getting help and many mental health professionals no longer see excessive masturbation and porn addiction as illnesses apparently.

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