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691 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10291 22:51

same reason finasteride and dutasteride never really caught on i think. (I know they are quite popular among a certain niche, but I also know I've seen people with easily preventable male-pattern baldness, who are unhappy with that baldness, and I've mentioned it to them and they basically just shrugged).

i'm not quite sure what that reason is, to be honest. like, i don't know what provokes this response. it's an interesting question. the obvious explanation is manhood anxiety-- people don't wanna take a pill that's gonna take some of their sex hormones away. but i don't think that quite explains it because as i said it's not that people react with hostility or fascination (e.g. how they react to the transgenders or the gays), it's more like they just don't take the possibility of taking such meds seriously. and it's not a matter of getting ahold of them either; the last guy i suggested it to (because he was complaining about baldness) was from india where pharms like that are easy to acquire (and let's just say this guy had experience in that realm as well). all i can really say it that for better or for worse transhumanism isn't really taken seriously as an option by what would appear to be the majority of people.

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