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714 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10292 23:07

not the person who brought it up, but jordan peterson's opinions are one of those things that are important because they're popular and influential, regardless of their correctness.

i took a look at the book when i first started hearing about it. i wasn't surprised to find that it's full of major logical flaws, but what was more interesting was that he's not even a very good writer; i expected to at least find his stories compelling, something to justify the popularity. instead it was more or less like reading malcolm gladwell or steven pinker. i think that his popularity stems from the same sort of phenomenon that makes gladwell and pinker popular, where people read the books to feel smart and because he's got smart people credentials and agrees with their opinions on social topics.

in that sense it is very much like the bible (i.e. boring garbage that's influential because people care about it for reasons unrelated to its merits), a comparison that i'm sure jordy himself would find flattering

i do share his love of benzos, however

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