[Marriage] Congrats to Shii and 0037 on their Wedding! [ecelebs] [Love] (17)

1 Name: massive faggot : 1993-09-10958 23:48

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Congratulations to Avery "Shii" Morrow and Bryce "0037" Webster on their Gay wedding!
They were hoping to keep things quiet for a while, so I was sure to wait until after the wedding before posting about it on here.
Be sure to congratulate the happy couple on their future together!

Isn't it sweet to see a couple finally marry after so many years of steamy online sexual tension together?
It sure is heartwarming to see all the textboard marriages happening in recent years!

2 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10959 04:37

Haha, my captcha is "ring", how fitting!!!!!!!

3 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10959 11:38

Love wins. <3

4 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10960 12:05

That is wonderful news, I'm so happy for them! I wish them a lifetime of joy together ^___^

5 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10961 01:30

Who sniffs who's butt in this relationship?

6 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10961 08:27

>>5 You mean gwhoseh, not gwho'sh.

7 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10962 01:07

you are a definitely the one who sniffs the others butt in your gay relationship

8 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10962 16:41

Did they at least sign a pre-nup? Or is it more of a suicide pact kind of deal, as in >>4?

9 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10962 17:17

>>7 You missed an apostrophe there, that should be gother'sh.

10 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10964 04:02

Imagining Shii lick a hairy butthole like he sucked the chocolate out of the Chocolate Cornet in that image.

11 Name: ( LwM) : 1993-09-10972 19:03

In less than 10 posts, we managed to turn the topic of the converstation into butt sniffing

12 Name: ( LwM) : 1993-09-10972 19:04

this is certiantly a website

13 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10972 19:22

Why would someone even get gay married if they weren't going to sniff their husband's butt?

14 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10987 09:03


> About Chad Avery Morrow
> Chad lives in Arkansas and was ordained by American Marriage Ministries on August 11th, 2015.

Do you think he served as the minister for his own wedding? Damn, I wish I was Shii, he's just so handsome. They even put "Chad" in front of his name like a title, that's how cool he is!
I'd love to have Shii as the minister at my wedding!

> First, let me start off introducing myself, my name is Chad Morrow. [ . . . ] Love knows no boundaries and as long as two people are in love with each other it doesn't matter who they are.

And he's consistent too! If it didn't matter that the girls were 13 years old then, why should it matter now? A real pillar of integrity, always willing to stick to his beliefs no matter what!

Even Hacker News still talks about Shii!

15 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10987 19:27

I don't think Shii posts here anymore. I heard he was silenced by the NSA.

16 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10988 00:42

(Apologies for the dead meme, but the story came to me nearly fully formed at 3 AM one night and I couldn't help but write it down.)

Avery Morrow sat on the rocking chair, his porch overlooking far fields. His old blind eyes turned towards the pale encircling sky, they had enough life left in them still to make out the vast blue. His ancient face smiled as the bright summer sun warmed his elderly bones and his wrinkled brows relaxed. He felt an arm wrap around his shoulder and he knew his old lover 0037 was by his side. Together they looked over their wide Basque fields.

Not to say that Basques worked there that is, but that Basques had been planted there.

Rows upon rows of curly haired Bas3que nigger scalps stuck out from the soil, their none-indo-european bodies growing beneath. Or at least, Shii hoped they were growing. Basques grow when you plant them underground, right?
That's how it works, right?
If not, it would be a damn shame he killed all those kids for nothing. And at his age too!

He and 0037 had been alone out here for a long time now.
Many other the others had passed away from the rigors of the textboard lifestyle - Tokiko had been executed by the Indonesian government for drug smuggling and attempting to stage a communist uprising with 3 other people, two of them his wives, and a cat.
Others had moved on ages ago, gotten married, had children. Shii had to have them all killled back in the day of course, moving on can't erase the past. He'd have wished them all the best but they just knew too much. In those days it was too much to risk.
But even if others had moved on, and even if others thought Shii and 0037 had moved on too, they clung to that textboard spirit right until the end.
They had remained DQN's only 2 posters right up until that board's last day. Shii had texted ssz about the timed bridge bombing seconds before it went off, the look on his face must have been priceless. He hadn't considered hosting past that point, turns out websites don't get hosted anymore when their admins are turned into fine paste. He regretted that one death.

Of course, Shii had killed killed most of the world's population by that point. Turns out Ancient Japanese Sacred Science Traditionalism makes for a harsh and brutal regime. His face hardened. All the death had been worth it for that brief taste of glory, even if it did destroy his dearest 4-ch. But regrets can't bring back dead admins, and Shii didn't dwell on it.

0037 massaged Shii's thin, eldery shoulders. He sighed, knowing that deep inside he was still the coward he had always been. Shii was the love of his life, the choice had been too hard to make. He should have done this ages ago, back when it still would have mattered. Back when it would have made a difference.
He took out the syringe and plunged it into the side of Avery Morrow's neck. Tokiko had given it to him before his execution, a final gift. 0037 hoped the fentanyl cut with God-knows-what in it was still potent enough to be fatal after 40 years.
Avery felt the syringe in his neck, and he smiled wistfully. "I always wondered when you'd have the courage to finally do it," he said.

0037 hugged Shii tightly, sobbing as he held him until he felt his heartbeat cease.

Shii passed away under the broad blue sky, in his lover's arms.

0037 got up and went indoors. The rope was already waiting for him. They would leave the hellish world they had created, together.
There is nothing left but a pack of wild Basques now, they watch barbaric shows on Shii's old TV.
Such is the downfall of White Man.

17 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10988 00:54

clap clap clap

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