>>1 Great job copying the thread title from the previous one!
>>5 see https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1279243535/308 and https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1431720556/448
Fandom wiki is a work of Satan
>>23 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1616595486/118 more wild asses for your satisfaction
(not mentioned: several generations of inbreeding)
>In 2009, Rift Valley Railways cited flying toilets thrown at the railway track in Kibera as the cause of a cargo train derailment in which two people were killed
( ˃ ˂)
Why does the infobox say he was only in office until 1949 when he was apparently still in the Mississippi state legislature to give a speech in 1952?
When you google the dude, there are a bunch of websites saying the speech was actually made in 1954, too.
>>94 I have a great photo of my wife in front of a BIMBO truck. Thank you for bringing back some happy memories :)
methhead endgame
>>100 wouldn't it be really funny if these cute novel hydrocarbons were actually incredibly teratogenic
I get the feeling we ran out of actual DQN quality articles 2,000 posts ago and now the Elitist Superstructure is actively conspiring to write wikipedia articles that are DQN quality.
People do post other wikis in this thread sometimes but I don't think MyAnimeList qualifies as a wiki.
this is what the refrance: https://chrono.fandom.com/wiki/Nu
>>144 There are still some now and then, in amongst the generic internet/jp/anime/random articles.
I swear I saw this concept being workshopped in a Ctrl+v thread.
>>198 also of interest: https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1554063409/117
>>199 also of interest: https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1431720556/339
>>205 see https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1554063409/890
>>210 see https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1431720556/253 - you might also like to hear Devo's song about it, which itself has an odd reference to https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1616595486/257 (which they also sang about) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tl2T_dbOO8Y
That Mr Wikipedia Dick is so dreamy... oh, what I wouldn't give...
he just like me fr
zeugma balls
>>245 I know the funny part is just supposed to be the word cum but it's really striking me what a bunch of wordcels Abrahamics are, no wonder lawyers are all Jews. Someone was probably put to death over this meaningless word salad, lol.
>>247, it seems like a perfectly comprehensible Jesuit anathematization of monergistic soteriology via their characteristic error and calumny to me!
One of the first femboy twinks in the historical record
For The Coins of the Jews, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederic_William_Madden
>>293 see https://www.amazon.com/Johnsons-Baby-Powder-Cornstarch-Vitamin/dp/B0009STDJW for your tender little bum.
It is not so much the article that is DQN quality as the fact that someone thought the subject was deserving of an article
disappointed it doesn't cover Austria (and probably because the couple of sightings there are believed to be genuine)
"worst. monk. ev--oh nvm"
Excuse me, "(also) see" is a signal that things are slightly different from the exact statement and would be worth a double-check for someone who's being really anal. What you should be saying 99% of the time is "also supra".
>>323 I'm not using it in that way, and gsuprah isn't what I mean either. You're referring to citation signals and their usage in the realm of law, I'm on a textboard using gseeh in its everyday ghave a look ath use.
>>>321 see https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1669033612/674
>Re: that post, look at this post
Worry about something more important! You're trying to correct me on things I don't really care about. I'm not a lawyer, I'm just noticing when an article is posted which I've read here before.
Anyway, let's continue posting cpm@pt`khsxWikipedia links!
>your usage "see" means "you didn't see, you big dope".
Heh. Wrong!! And here's your problem, you keep taking my posts as some kind of personal slight. Here, and in your previous post, you project words and motivations onto me that aren't there. For instance, assuming that by saying gseeh I'm using it in the same way as a citation in a legal document, then telling me I'm doing it wrong, when that was never my intention. The gyou big dope" aspect has never been there either, that's you (or whoever) taking it personally for some reason. I've never, ever suggested that the poster should have checked for duplicates before posting. I don't care if it is. I'm only observing that it is. That's also why replying with the Shitposting article every time doesn't bother me in the slightest, it only tells me that I've successfully wound you up.
>unwillingness to budge in the face of constructive critique
Even if you'd ever said anything at all constructive (you haven't), I'm not looking for critique. Again, you're imagining my motivations and telling me what I should do, but you don't know, so your words are meaningless.
>exposes you as the low-effort troll you obviously always were
Is that really the case? Lol. ggggggObviouslyhhhhhh. If I really was a troll, and if you had been on the Internet before, then you would know that a troll only wants attention. If I'm simply a low-effort troll, why do you keep feeding me?
>I'm done playing nice
Great! As I said before, any persecution you feel is entirely in your head. Now it gets funnier and funnier every time you whinge about it.
>People are here to use links as shitposts, not so much to read them or reminisce on the last time it's been done
You can do whatever you like. That says more about you though. You might be interested in this: https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1669033612/340
>I truly pity you; you need to ȏ` your entire online life, but you probably won't.
Tilted! Don't worry about it. Come back with a Wikipedia link, biatch.