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495 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11459 10:38

I hate to be the guy that uses work experience as authority, but you mostly feel this way because you don't work in healthcare or healthcare adjacent fields, the reason mental health messaging is popular is because it's very hard and often impractical to get people to live holistically healthy lifestyles these days, so physically healthy people often participate in sort of biohacking. People take shitloads of supplements instead of eating balanced, nutritious meals, they exercise on a treadmill instead of playing football with their friends outside while socializing, etc. People are often not having all their needs met emotionally and being educated and reminded to prioritize their wellbeing sometimes can help, you have to remember we live in an age where there's adults who seriously need to be reminded by their social media to drink water, people are thought to live in a sort of haze now. I do agree that in particular depression is often a lifestyle disease of those in poor physical health though.

It has had some unintended consequences though, like somewhat turning young people into emotionally incontinent empaths who trauma dump at parties or getting so good at seeking help and escalating their problems that diagnosis data often needs to be filtered through third party statistics firms before it can be used by academics. I think we're on the verge of a revolution regarding human behavior though with all the strides currently being made in neuroscience.

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