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509 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11460 13:18

For what it's worth, a lot of medical professionals do not agree with the helplessness and frankly, medicalizing daily life as a way to remove responsibility for their lives and that the reason a lot of spaces for mental health are the way they are is partly because the topic has been politicized the way it has (aside from the distrust in authority seen across the political spectrum with the exception of status-quo accepting neoliberals, for example, depressed people want to wallow with other depressios and being told by a professional to seek talk therapy is seen as classist, ditto with not accepting self-diagnosis with almost everything else) alongside the demand far outweighing the supply of quality mental health services resulting in amateurish therapists taking on patient loads they have no business caring for, sometimes resulting in them becoming prominent on social media. The mental health industry is kind of in a catch 22 in this current mental health crisis, some subcultures think it's completely bunk and refuse to engage with it when it really could help them and others see it as the solution to all their problems and have gotten so 'good' it it's starting to affect the data around certain diagnoses. There likely wont be quality mental healthcare for everyone unless English-speaking society's attitude changes around it but I think you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

While it's right to be skeptical of capitalism, I also feel like too many people attribute malice to the entire industry when that's just not the case. It certainly exists but many go into healthcare to live a life of service and compassion to others and genuinely care about you. Also, the learned helpless you observe online is a very online thing that is indicative more of a specific subculture, particularly the chronic illness, neurodiversity and disability activist and malingering communities which are often at odds with medicine as well. Just look up 'medical gaslighting' on Instagram. I really wish things weren't like this but is this just life with social media and extreme political polarization.

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