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934 Name: Mr. Wikipedia Dick : 1993-09-11522 17:18

>>930,931 Pffft, whatever silly billy, you're blowing things way out of proportion...

>I decided to stop contributing to or even reading that thread
>It's not the messaging, but the content that I deprecate.

Oh no!

>it's trolling
>It tells others that they have posted nothing of worth by repetition

I've made my position clear, any accusations or assumptions you make are not based in reality. Don't let that stop you griping about it!

>the presence of "dick" in the name makes it clear

There were two reasons for that, previously discussed. But have a look at any time you declared things to be "clear" and "obvious" and notice that they were false assumptions based on your shallow impression of me, shaped by imaginary persecution. You really think you can know anything about someone from a few Internet posts? A tongue-in-cheek Internet persona at that? This is Internet 101.

>he is truly not clever

I've never claimed to be clever. This is a silly ad hominem, undermined by your own posting errors (which are not important). How does arguing about who's cleverer on an anonymous message board help anyone?

>someone would clam up because of anticipated criticism

Everything you said about pitying me is a bit funnier in the light of this admission. I just want to reassure you that I'm not doing it just to annoy you, but you being annoyed by something so trivial is silly and I do find it funny.

>>933 I haven't added a gay little paragraph for a long time.

>it has severely ruined the vibe of the thread

You want me to pee in your mouth?

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