[Applause]Everytime we finish a game we post here[Praise] (381)

1 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-03-26 16:22 ID:0dQRlyR5

No more heroes
I like how its a satire on "EPIC" plots in general not just games.
But I still consider Killer7 as a better game despite the change from its original script . Cant wait for
Flower, Sun and Rain in October so I can get some sort of understanding of his Kill the Past series.

2 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-03-27 01:22 ID:+uOdmYd9

I beat Time Crisis III for the first time last week. I've beaten all the other games in the series several times. The second game is still my favorite I can almost one credit that game.

3 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-03-27 02:11 ID:qiJ5l915

I beat Classic mode in brawl on the intensely hard difficulty

4 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-03-27 03:06 ID:KLpXulvU

>>1 I really saw No More Heroes as an analogy of the climb up the corporate ladder. It asked how far would you go to be number one, and even when you're number one, there will still be someone out there for your head.

5 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-03-27 04:27 ID:rb0tGlHI

I beat "The Game" by attaining a state of "Mu" where I saw only nothingness, mention of "The Game" was as to me as particles of sand flying through the wind - I became impervious, and through that virtue did I win "The Game".

6 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-03-27 04:42 ID:TJMmAUhf

I beat Lost via Dumbass in couple of hours and the ending was so horrible, but it made me LMAO!

7 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-04-01 03:18 ID:tXwuf2qD

I won a round of Unreal Tournament 3 and I think it's high time I was praised for my contribution.

8 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-04-01 15:01 ID:fElUOkdy

I beat Earthbound for the first time the other day. It rocked! I'd play it over again, but i have so many other games I have yet to wrap up.

9 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-04-01 18:40 ID:Heaven

take your AIDS and leave

10 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-04-02 03:40 ID:tXwuf2qD

. < Why would you feel like talking to a tiny black sesame seed like me?

Also I just finished my Dwarf Fortress game by going berserk in a town, eventually a Guard wielding a pike did this to me:

The Guard stabs You in the upper body with his Iron pike!
It is badly pierced!
Your right lung has been pierced!
Your heart has been pierced!
The Guard stabs You in the head with his Iron pike!
It is pierced through entirely!
You have beens truck down.

11 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-04-02 16:30 ID:fElUOkdy


i always get killed by goblin children or what have you whenever i accidentally wander into their ruins.

12 Name: Anonymous Dwarf : 2008-04-03 21:31 ID:IJJ/4D+a

I'm pretty sure my last game got me killed by a giant cave spider. I had 130-or-so dwarves. God, that was hilarious.

13 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-04-05 01:11 ID:app/H9+/

Just finished BioShock.
Hardly an achievement though with that Vita-Chamber crap. (Some people argue that it's functionally equivalent to quickload/quicksave in other games, but it still feels kinda like the game is babying you.)

14 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-04-05 02:34 ID:tXwuf2qD


15 Name: tan : 2008-04-05 09:11 ID:1WK5LIsE

pls tell me where can i get free eroge game or hendai sand massage to me at tanyiran@live.com.au

16 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-04-08 16:10 ID:lxsZ25tG

Just 1cc'd Imperishable Night on Normal, now to do it with more than just Reimu...

17 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-04-09 01:42 ID:M0kely38

I just recently beat No More Heroes myself.

I was expecting more of a mindfuck at the end, but I suppose it was trippy enough.

18 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-04-12 07:09 ID:tfsfC+2S

I beat Super Mario Galaxy a couple of days ago, though I only have 70 stars right now. It's funny, by the time the counter appeared on the deck, I was only one star away from opening the stage.

19 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-04-12 14:25 ID:Heaven

having only 70 stars does not equal "beating" in my book. 121 stars minimum.

20 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-04-13 13:34 ID:Heaven

I just beat Chibi Robo. It took quite some time to get all the stickers, particularly as I had fucked up and not completed a series of tasks earlier on.

I also played it a bit longer to see if it capped out at 9999 score. It doesn't, it goes to 10000. And it will take way too long to see if it caps out at 99999.

21 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-04-15 21:10 ID:23+G+JNZ

Beyond Good & Evil. Meh.

I'm playing Yume Nikki now but I'm not sure if it has an end.

22 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-04-18 03:20 ID:2hHI3pV/


It has an end, a rather fitting one I might add

23 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-04-18 15:07 ID:6/hTPRqw

just finished Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. I enjoyed it, although it wasn't scary most of the time. I enjoyed the Sanity Effects. it prolly would have been more scary had you less ways to defend yourself. I did make the game a little harder for myself though - i totally missed the Mantorok Rune, and somehow missed the Sapphire effigy, so the last boss was harder than it had to be. Hmm... what to finish next...

24 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-04-18 20:38 ID:23+G+JNZ

Assassin's Creed. The ending was terrible, probably because they plan a sequel.

Also Yume Nikki, my favorite part has to be the crash landing on Mars(?).

25 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-04-19 18:31 ID:8zNnQxkA

lol hay guys I beat TES3: Morrowind.

lololololol jk unbeatable.

26 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-04-20 02:12 ID:Heaven

I finished KH2.
I am also a grown man.
Birth by Sleep looks stupid and so is your posting.

27 Name: !cSsNy1w6Kk!!HWXgDd57 : 2008-04-24 14:25 ID:oPzhSmHq

finished bioshock, >>13 its true i started 1st time on hard and died atleast a 100xs on the first couple levels. But after that i got the hang of it and died less :)

28 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-04-24 16:14 ID:R24JRQL3

God Of War PSP.

I think I like the glove weapon more than the chainsxblades. P-P-P-Paaannnchiiii!

29 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-04-26 06:06 ID:yUv6Ktn9


Feels like an accomplishment to beat.

30 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-04-26 16:45 ID:tcej4y/t

Good game, I completed it just last week.

Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core on PSP. Not all that, only bother with it if you are a big FF fag.

31 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-04-27 22:13 ID:bUDGClPj

Finished Yume Nikki without guide ofcourse.The ending made me emotionally sick.

32 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-05-02 08:58 ID:KLpXulvU

Completed Gwendolyn's story on Odin Sphere. I'm absolutely in love with this game and I'm halfway through Cornelius's story now.

33 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-05-02 11:10 ID:tfsfC+2S


Sorry. I was renting it. Next time, I promise.

34 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-05-05 12:15 ID:Heaven

I finished Cooking Mama 2.

35 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-05-09 07:54 ID:Heaven

I finished Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Being used to 2D Zeldas it definitely took some adjustment, but I ended up having a lot of fun in the end.

Now I have Wind Waker and Twilight Princess to get through. (and Majora's Mask, if that's ever released on VC)

36 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-05-09 14:54 ID:DZQKg4zc

finished bioshock recently.

it shouldn't count, but i finished flOw.

37 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-05-10 19:36 ID:Heaven

this week i finished
SC3 with ...sophitia,cassandra,ivy and killik
SF3:3 with Ibuki

38 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-05-11 12:26 ID:Heaven

I finished Tales of Symphonia, something I had forgotten to buy in GameCube era, until I ran across my shopping list buried in a drawer.

Good game. Made me cry in parts.

39 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-05-12 08:56 ID:KLpXulvU

Just finished FF:Crisis Core as well. Although I don't consider myself a FF fag, it took me everything in me not to cry at the end.

40 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-05-13 07:40 ID:Heaven

>>35 again.
beat wind waker!

41 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-05-15 20:53 ID:Heaven


cry? wut?

42 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-05-16 09:37 ID:KLpXulvU

>>40 Congrats! Best ending scene in any Zelda in my opinion!

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