[Applause]Everytime we finish a game we post here[Praise] (381)

1 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-03-26 16:22 ID:0dQRlyR5

No more heroes
I like how its a satire on "EPIC" plots in general not just games.
But I still consider Killer7 as a better game despite the change from its original script . Cant wait for
Flower, Sun and Rain in October so I can get some sort of understanding of his Kill the Past series.

43 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-05-16 14:26 ID:Heaven

Finished Ace Attorney 4.

44 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-05-18 07:13 ID:M0kely38

Just beat Killer7.

What the fucking fuck.

45 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-05-19 12:53 ID:Heaven

Finished the first Professor Layton in about 5 hours. :-(

46 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-05-20 18:50 ID:FI/ajg0S

Finished Grand Theft Auto IV(story) = Moral of the Story = Life is Pain and the only escape is a bullet.

Now to get 100%

47 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-05-21 02:53 ID:ADwcPt2h

The World Ends With You.
I love postgame item collecting, so I'll still be playing this game for a while.

48 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-05-21 14:37 ID:gtxhubBp

now read hand in killer7 for surprising twists

49 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-05-21 20:13 ID:Heaven

I finished Street Fighter alpha anthology
SFa1 with Sagat, Chun Li
SFa2 Akuma, Chun li, Sagat,
SFa2gold Zangief, Akuma, Chun Li ,Shin Akuma
SFa3 Zangief, Adon, Blanka, Bison,
SFa3selectholdthing Zangief
[5star difficulty on all games]
so i could name it Zero and call bison vega
but i dont live in jap so

i hope they release a SF3 collection for ps2?lol3? in Europe
maybe if sf4 gets popular

Emu and Kaillera ftw

50 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-05-26 09:09 ID:Heaven

Now I beat Twilight Princess. I feel that maybe I should lay off the Zelda for a bit (゚Д゚;)

51 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-05-26 09:16 ID:Heaven

Yes. I agree and would say more but spoilers and such. Twilight Princess also ranks up there for cool-looking endings IMO.

52 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-05-28 14:51 ID:6/hTPRqw

Just Beat portal. I can't wait for the second one - It'll be cool to see if they add in difficult to get to nooks and crannies to try and find ^_^. the commentary was neat to listen to as well.

53 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-05-28 17:50 ID:sswtiYBJ

wont happen the next 4 years.

54 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-06-05 01:41 ID:3h1grLnR

Beat Portal a few days ago too. Started it at 10pm, finished it at 4am. Hooray! Awesome game.

55 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-06-05 02:47 ID:QvZtipqL

The original Legend of Zelda.

Kicked ass.

56 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-06-10 15:23 ID:3h1grLnR

Call of Duty 4 in vet mode.

Ending of epic proportions, I was thrilled.

OK, I still have to beat the bonus mission, but it's damn hard.

57 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-06-13 17:31 ID:XL5+qoDD

It took you 6 hours?
I finished it in 1.5 hours, my friends finished it between 1-2 hours. Did you dwindle a bit?

58 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-06-14 03:38 ID:app/H9+/

he spent 4 hours trying to save the companion cube

59 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-06-14 03:52 ID:CRnQc1Ur

Finished beating Arcana Heart arcade modes. ^_^

60 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-06-15 00:51 ID:movJ97Qm

I just finished beating my meat in "oh shit I think I hear my mom coming" mode

61 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-06-15 21:15 ID:FI/ajg0S

Finished Metal Gear Solid 4,

The Story is ok, although the Bosses sucked ass. VERY cheesy (even for kojima), and retarded easy. Plus they weren't all that interesting, except when we got a good look of their asses (the bosses are all female). The Shed skinning thing becomes repetive and well..the bosses SUCK!

(Spoilers AHEAD!)

The Ending was beautiful, i always suspected Big Boss felt dead inside when he killed the Boss..and guess i was right. The son&Father reunion reminds me of Star Wars's Darth&Luke. Big Boss finally gets his redemption, and IMHO it was him that was the star of the saga. Damn, i was shocked and very emotionally to see him again..although his resurrection is weird,but seeing how nano techonology gave Vamp a healing factory,it's not that far fetched.

I'm glad i got to see Big Boss again, since Snake Eater is def my favorite and well, all i can say is. R.I.P.

And to Snake, I hope i don't see your ass again in MGS5, your fight is over!

To Hideo Kojima, you really played everyone into thinking there was another Snake Clone:), damn you camo!:p

It feels really good to finish the saga, i've waited for a looong time and now..Well, there is an emptiness, a longing for another saga..but deep down i know there won't be one like Metal Gear.

Sorry,but MGS deserves a text o page!

62 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-06-16 11:07 ID:Heaven

i think ill add MGS4 to my overhypedgame list

63 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-06-16 18:25 ID:FI/ajg0S

>>62 yeah mgs4 was def overhyped, same with GTA4 etc etc

64 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-06-16 23:55 ID:ibk1BGBZ

Finished MGS4.
It beat MGS2 as my favorite Kojima game and it's definitely up there on my all-time favorites list.
I think I'm going to go replay the entire series now.

65 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-06-17 03:40 ID:C7xStVQQ

Keep trying, it took me 8 GARGLING HOURS to beat that 1 min mission.
And I was playing the pc version.

66 Name: EFRUCHT : 2008-06-23 14:07 ID:FD6Z/iZz

I just beat Condemned 2: Bloodshot two weeks ago.
Horror FPS is my favorite genre so Con kept me on the edge of my seat until the somewhat dissapointing conclusion. I really hope that the focus remains on the creepy/dark horror sequences, because the end of the game focused on gunplay and it was not up to snuff with the opening levels.

67 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-06-24 21:34 ID:us9FUfxy

I finished Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Ahm and Throne of Bhaal for the first time. (Yeah, old games, I know...) I manged to convert Sarevok to Chaotic Good, but somehow I failed to convert Viconia to True Neutral. spoilers ahead... I'm sort of dissatisfied with Viconia's romance epilogue. I mean, she just died from some poison. You'd figure that her death would at very least be something more dramatic than dying from some dumb poison administered by a servant of Lolth. end spoilers

By the way, I played a Kensai/Mage Neutral Good Human male.

68 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-06-26 01:52 ID:Heaven

I beat Halo: Combat Evolved. Halo is lucky that it's gameplay is fun and fast because the story is as dumb as rocks.

69 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-06-27 22:29 ID:FBRoFpHO

Elite Beat Agents on normal. The last few levels of normal mode of EBA felt like the hard mode levels of Ouendan 1 & 2, because in most of them you're pretty much fucked for the whole song if you get under 50% even once. Funny, you'd expect it to be other way around.

These games really need a training mode. When you're just trying to pass a song and don't care to score, it's boring to redo 2 minutes you know perfectly just to get a chance to figure out a complex pattern that can make you insta-fail the song if you don't grasp it fast enough, which means you have to hit youtube to get a chance to analyze the trickiest ones.

70 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-06-30 15:49 ID:Heaven

I'm playing on PC too. Still not finished but I haven't had the time to try it again that much.

71 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-07-07 06:08 ID:QyTQ0msm

>>24 I finished Assassin's Creed yesterday and seriously.. I felt like crying or throwing my keyboard ot of the window or something.
What the fuck??? Not sure if I'm going to buy the sequel, this ending pssied me off so much.

72 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-07-07 12:27 ID:ZsX/ntjw

Mass Effect.

Quite nice game, should have played it on the hardest difficulty, Biotics, Tech abilities and pretty much teammates were kinda useless, I just shot everyone with a pistol.. It has a decent replayability, so maybe I will.

73 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-07-07 20:41 ID:FI/ajg0S

Finished Fallout 1 & 2, i don't get what the big deal is..sure both are great games but to call it the best rpgs ever with a great character development is going tooooo far.

74 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-07-09 11:49 ID:O4I7sFQ8

Finished Final Fantasy12. God it was the most boring game i ever played...

75 Name: dude : 2008-07-14 15:21 ID:lcwWx0VN

cants wait for diablo 3

76 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-07-27 11:16 ID:Ptb2w6AD

Finished Crysis recently.

Still fun to play second time round on Delta difficulty. The final boss was quite tough to defeat but I managed to defeat Kyong using my bare hands! ^^ He seemed a bit lost in battle.

77 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-07-27 19:29 ID:75zxxTxK

Ever 17, You good, and Tsugumi bad ending (still crying). Can't wait for "Coco story".

78 Name: RedNEXUS : 2008-07-28 21:55 ID:hYFQfY2/

Thanks to the holidays I've recently finished a lot of games. At the moment though I think I'm most proud of finally crushing God of War II on Titan Mode. Theres nothing quite like an active cutscene gorefest to celebrate the defeat of a boss that has been fustrating you for well over a year.

79 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-07-28 23:04 ID:3xDbgr94

I beat Super Mario Galaxy yesterday. Man what a fun ride that was to beat. =)

I'm still playing through, but I doubt I'll ever get all 121 Stars (or even 120 honestly). It's just a matter of time before I give up and start playing Zelda.

80 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-07-29 07:11 ID:BLc2A6xj

Been playing Unreal 2 and World in Conflict side by side.

Unreal 2 was great fun as ever. The way the story is written makes you come to quite like the characters, so when your ship gets blown up and all your friends die, it makes me baw. Even more so when you're drifting through space in an escape pod listening to their final message.


Then you play it online and the amazingness is doubled by the fact that the ground can be cratered and every weapon is available. Nothing more beautiful than seeing your own men blasted to shreds by a fuel-air bomb.

81 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-07-30 04:36 ID:lJlZIHwg

thank you very much, you have successfully influenced me...XD. Gonna nuke 'em!!!

82 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-07-30 06:17 ID:pbh2bGnW

Finished Legend of Dragoon today after a 5 years of not touching my Playstation one.

83 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-07-30 16:55 ID:6/hTPRqw


i applaud you

84 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-08-02 07:45 ID:cFmXVFlX

I finally beat Dragon Warrior IV on my psp emulator after playing it on and off for like a year now.
I must say that I am quite proud of myself ^_^

85 Name: hooray : 2008-08-05 12:59 ID:zF+ZfRJo

I finaly caught entai on pokemon coleseum after 3 years

86 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-08-06 13:21 ID:Uxa6OOA7

Eba sweatin.

87 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-08-08 01:45 ID:le0oY5hO

just finished max payne after never playing it

88 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-08-09 07:07 ID:VIKTUqVT

I did the Endless Setlist on Hard.


89 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-08-10 04:43 ID:pHDykyx4

Beat Metal Slug 7 today for the first time on normal.

90 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-08-10 13:46 ID:E6w78fzq

Ape Escape 3. Awesome game! The loli is a great character


91 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-08-14 06:48 ID:0flRjMJx

Well, I recently picked up SotN for the PSP and managed to beat that with the best ending. Also beat GTA:LCS but only with a 40 some percent completion rate. Can't be assed to hunt down unique jumps and hidden packages or do the racing missions etc.

92 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-08-14 18:16 ID:iH5CQkRF

Persona 3

that game took a long time- I still haven't managed to get through the other 4-7 games- I should go back to playing back-ups.

93 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-09-08 14:31 ID:6/hTPRqw

phew! after like 60 hours of play (a few hours i had to leave it running for while i was busy) I finally managed to beat Disgaea 2 after staying up for hour last night...

I was kinda cheap with the last boss - i got the most useless character i had out to lift him up after everyone else had attacked. this robbed him of his turn, but only resulted in my losing ONE man instead of like 3 every time.

then again, being cheap is kinda the way to play in Disgaea games. Man some of those stages were imaginative and there were lots of ways to go about beating a map. I started to love my mages, let me tell you.

94 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-09-08 19:44 ID:pQ9maxkT

I fucked a goat.

95 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-09-09 15:33 ID:Heaven

nervous applause

96 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-09-10 15:23 ID:Heaven

Good job, now you can start a black metal band.

97 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-09-11 18:10 ID:Heaven

or, if you hung the goat afterwards, you could start a norse metal band.

98 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-10-07 15:44 ID:n8UAoWFB

I managed to finish Half-life 2, hl2 ep 1, and hl2 ep 2, and portal, and went through all again with commentary.

Man, those games rock.

I found a secret in Half-Life 2, though. When you pick things up with the gravity gun, you can launch things at the enemies andthey'll take damage! I don't know if Valve saw this bug yet or not, but it's kinda game breaking since you don't need guns anymore...

99 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-10-13 17:00 ID:ZYs1hMUm

episodes == fail
hl2 was somewhat atmospheric, thow

100 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-10-15 15:27 ID:6/hTPRqw

blah blah blah - you complain about cheap half-life 2 episodes when Star Craft2 is going to be 3 "full campaign" games.

101 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-10-16 12:01 ID:XbEjRvWh

I prefer a slow trickle of episodes than waiting 4+ years for half life 3.

102 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-10-30 15:57 ID:n8UAoWFB

Izuna: legend of the unemployed ninja.

it was okay, but not enough depth or complexity. I wouldn't buy the next one, because I think they're just adding more work instead of fun, to be honest.

I get annoyed when these sorts of games seem to replace complexity with cheap tricks to make the game harder.

I guess I really just want a good ol' graphical roguelike for a change. God, if someone had a I.V.A.N. or T.O.M.E. or netHack or even Dungeon Crawl on the Ds, I'd be a happy man.

103 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-10-31 03:18 ID:KLpXulvU

Finished Little Big Planet's single player mode. I can't lie, I had fun with it but it was pretty short. I really don't have much interest in making my own stages to be honest so I'll have to rely on playing with any friends who have this to get any more replay value out of this.

104 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-11-02 23:32 ID:TWSKEHSU

Have you played SHIREN THE WANDERER?

105 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-11-02 23:56 ID:+7BIuTJ/

I recently finished Aquaria.

106 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-11-03 14:39 ID:n8UAoWFB

>>104 No, what's different about it?

107 Name: Unnamed : 2008-11-04 18:40 ID:g2kDf0Nd

Maxis' Spore.. Cool game... nah this game is endless.. i reached the center of the galaxy and talked to steve, though, i think this marks the zenith of the game.. or maybe there's more to do here like exterminating the Grox???

Last games i finished with definite endings are bishoujo games, yume miru kusuri as the most recent.. these games dont feel like games to me, more like powerpoint presentations tahtn games, but since its called "bishoujo games", then these are "games" nevertheless..?

the last decent game i last played with definite ending is prince of persia 2 thrones..

108 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-11-11 16:24 ID:BmoTUH8W

I burned the rope

109 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-11-12 18:57 ID:n8UAoWFB

we're happy you made it.

110 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-11-14 08:45 ID:YUxa/LtA

Ace Attorney 4, after getting tired of waiting for a price drop. The 3D evidence was cool, but I was surprised they dropped the option of Presenting profiles as evidence. The writing is still strong, and the new characters are likeable. That last case though, it was good, but the computer gimmick came out of left field. It took some of the impact out of the ending.

111 Name: mihae : 2008-11-15 06:58 ID:Dp51JZnQ

110, i was also surprised they dropped the option of presenting profiles as evidence D:

Oh, and to be on topic:
I beat the Composer and saved Shibuya!!

112 Post deleted.

113 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-11-16 17:52 ID:Zjh2vH1U

Finished ice aka in mhp2ndG on my psp... well it took some time though, well i can wait now on 3rd mh...

114 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-11-17 14:18 ID:PthBde4N

Finally, after like 7 tries - I beat Star Ocean 2! to celebreate, I bumbed Final Fantasy XII to the top of my to-play list.

I feel like it wasn't a totally legitimate win though, because i gave Claude the Battle suit and Eternal Sphere, and a meteor ring and bunny shoes. I basically just got tired of energy nede.

really though - that game is freakin hard if you don't try to be a little cheap with it...

115 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-11-28 08:13 ID:vNEasNEt

I just beat Ninja Gaiden Black on Master Ninja.

116 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-11-28 16:26 ID:QUFvmD+b

that does merit some serious feelings of accomplishment.

117 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-11-30 03:11 ID:OnxYBZ6B


That game does get hard arbitrarily at the end. An underrated game overall.

Beat Dead Space on Normal. Really easy. Tried it on hard... much harder, I'm taking a break to try and actually finish Dragon Quest 8.

118 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-11-30 11:53 ID:KLpXulvU

Well I recently beat Infinite Undiscovery and now I'm trying to do the Seraphic Gate (extra dungeon.)

It really is an underrated game, the real time battles are fun.

119 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-12-01 01:19 ID:Heaven

Just beat Pong for the first time. That final boss battle with the tentacle raep machine was really troubling at first, but after a while its pattern became fairly obvious.

Overall, on a scale of one to ten, I'd give the game a nine. Sure, the graphics may be a little out of date, but the story remains timeless.

120 Name: zerdzer : 2008-12-02 00:35 ID:UYIu5zIh

I just beat Fallout 3, I think I had the best karma ending. Great game!

121 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-12-03 00:14 ID:2sYd7WJd

Fallout 3, Best karma ^^

Dead Space, on Impossible. Military Suit, ftw.

Tomb Raider Underworld. What a pain in the ass.

Crysis Warhead. 100x times better than Crysis, 3x times shorter.

122 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-03-04 14:26 ID:6/hTPRqw

Just beat Super Paper Mario - when I started the game, I enjoyed the 3 Dimensions. About half-way/three-quarters I didn't really notice it, and thought the game was alright, but not the best - but then I thought about it some more. The game took me probably 30 hours to complete. For a platformer, that's phenomenal. I was never bored during this time, and there were always plenty of new mechanics and surprises. And I found that I was always going to 3D, just to see what I could find. It was rewarding. The Mimi stage was great, as well as the nerd stage. And during the Sammer Tourney, I always took the time to Tippi every char - even when the world was ending... Anyway, would totally play again.

I love how the Paper Mario 2, and Super Paper mario let you play the game after you're done, letting you see what's changed now that you've saved the world.

123 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-03-05 02:16 ID:VCT/Qhop

I finished Super Mario Advance 2 the other day... Super Mario World is the best

124 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-03-06 11:40 ID:KLpXulvU

Just finished Phantasy Star Portable within 2 days of owning it...

I'm not sure if I wanna play til level 100 or not but I can't imagine it taking long to get there considering it was only 20 hours to get to 60.

125 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-03-12 18:32 ID:6/hTPRqw

Just beat Super Mario Galaxy after putting it down for some time. I haven't gotten all the stars, but I was rather impressed with going through the last stage and Bowser with no deaths.

Although form the story books and how it looked like peach's castle in the background, I would have thought Rosalina would have something to do with Peach.

126 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-03-15 09:57 ID:Uxa6OOA7

Fire emblem DS.

My army got its ass kicked and I only won because of a lucky counterattack.

127 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-03-15 18:47 ID:OyT4BpWf

I just finished Valkyria Chronicles (PS3).

While the story is generic, the gameplay is really damn fun. Very good game!

128 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-04-13 14:45 ID:6/hTPRqw

Just finished Summon NightL Swordcraft Story for the GBA. it was good, but over really fast - lots of replay value though if you had the time. I started playing the sequel, and instantly missed how quickly you could get great weapons in the original, and how easy knuckles and spears made the game...

129 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-04-15 20:05 ID:Uxa6OOA7

Ys1 and getting close(r) to beating YS2.

130 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-04-19 05:04 ID:Uxa6OOA7

Batman Return of the Joker (NES). Pretty fun, pretty tough, but still enjoyable.

131 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-04-20 00:28 ID:a1KKRm9a

Just beat Super Mario RPG for the first time. I've played it before on the old SNES, but then the data got erased. I was near the end of the game too... So I never got around to finishing it cause I didn't feel like playing through the entire game. Now years later, and with the help of emulation I was able to finish what I started years ago.

Gotta say, the ending was pretty damned lame, but whatever.

132 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-04-21 16:02 ID:6/hTPRqw

I finished a game called "Lord Monarch" for the PC. there's only 15 levels, but they get really complicated at the end.

I'm pretty sure only like me and 30 other people have seen the ending screen of this game, so I took a screenshot to remember my triumph for ever.

133 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-04-23 03:48 ID:ot1pfqfK

Megaman 1-4 on NES.
1 was fucking tough. Fuck Fireman.
2 was a letdown. It's not as good as most people say.
3 was great. Despite the weapons not being as good as 2, it was a perfect balance in toughness and enjoyment.
4 was also great. People don't give it enough credit.

Also, Final Fantasy II (US SNES version). That sucked. Zeromus was the only high point of the game and even he wasn't hard.

134 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-04-23 09:41 ID:ot1pfqfK

>>133 here
Just beat Megaman 5 and 6.

5 was... eh. It's the true same old, same old Megaman if there ever was one. Nothing stood out for me. Although the introduction of secret breakaway passages was kind of cool. I honestly like 2 better.
6 is my personal favorite. Although when I was younger, I never beat it due to one reason or another. Likely because I had gotten an SNES soon after and due to the way our TV worked and was positioned, I could only have one system set at a time for a certain period of time, which severly limited the games I played. As a result, I never beat it. When I got the MMAC on PS2, I was stuck on plant man's stage because the spring section kept killing me. Died for a few times this time, but I managed to get past it for once. The rest of the game was too easy after that. I beat the game with 9 lives and 9 e-tanks. What the hell? I've always wanted certain megaman games to be a tad easier, but 6 was ridiculously easy. I didn't even USE an E-tank. It's my favorite, but man, after finally beating it, it's what I would definitely call a beginner's Megaman game.

135 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-04-24 05:45 ID:ot1pfqfK

Shatterhand. Holy shit, that game was ambiguous without the instruction manual.

136 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-04-25 00:52 ID:a1KKRm9a

Just finished Star Ocean: First Departure. Oh my god that game was fun. Definitely worth picking up in my opinion. I just love the battle system. Now to the store to get Star Ocean: Second Evolution, even though I own the original PSX version.


Now go play Final Fantasy IV. Its a whole nother ball game. Don't play the GBA version. It was like a mashup of the two.

137 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-04-25 03:27 ID:ot1pfqfK

I've played the PS1 version, which I lost a few years back. From what I recall, it's more or less the same just harder, with more/less stuff depending on the circumstance.

138 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-04-25 07:51 ID:ot1pfqfK

Sonic the Hedgehog (Master System ver.). Considering the medium, it's an impressive piece of work. The controls could use a bit of fine tuning, but the music and and graphics were really fucking good (Sky Base Zone is a cool song and the Jungle area looks wonderful). I'm surprised they pulled off so much in such a little package. A shame it was so short and most of the robotnik bosses were easy as pie.

139 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-04-27 06:15 ID:ot1pfqfK

Ghosts n' Ghouls for Master system. Pretty cool and a bit different from most games in the series.

140 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-04-28 01:01 ID:a1KKRm9a

Just finished Devil May Cry 1. I'm playing the series in out of order, started with 4, than 3 and now 1. I know three is a prequel to the first one, so its alright.

I had fun playing it, but it felt way too short.

141 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-04-28 13:56 ID:6/hTPRqw


I don't remember why, but I stopped playing DMC 1, even though it was fun... I think at the time, I didn't quite "get it"

142 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-04-29 00:01 ID:3RrT5Icw

Just made it through Saints Row 2 100%

Also, Crysis on Delta. Damn tough aliens, but I made it! :3

Now working on making it through Serious Sam 1st Encounter on Mental difficulty. I guess it'll take a looong time.

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