There was a thread like this in /anime/ and, although it seems to have died from lack of interest, I liked it. Let's try it here.
For instance, assuming >>0's favorite is THE GAME: What fun is a game that can't be won? Also, you just lost it.
My favorite: Metal Gear Solid 3
No protracted arguments in this thread please, just keep it going.
Come for the art! Stay for the... uh... Art! Woah woah! Wait! Where are you going...
Starsiege: Tribes
Jump from tower A to tower B. Repeat.
Left 4 Dead.
It's by Valve.
Shiren the Wanderer
It's a Mystery Dungeon game - Instead of making them better, or more complex, they get pallet switches. Also, the only wanderer worth mentioning is Wander from Showdow of the Colossus. Also the cover art sucks. so far we're at -3/10.
Chaos Legion
I dunno - was this intentional? If the whole "you messed with my love" thing is supposed to be a plot twist, it sure as hell wasn't. saw that coming from the opening fmv. Also, GRIND GRIND - oh, did you think that all the enemies were gone? BLAMS here's another screenful.
Romancing Saga - Minstrel Song
Oh a game by Square, I liked Final Fantasy.... Plays any SaGa game "What the fuck is this shit?"
Shitty Tetris Clone
Final Fantasy 1 (any version)
Yay! I got the [whatever], now I just have to... what do I have to do, again? Was there a point to this? I guess I'll just fly around and talk to everyone... again. I really wish I hadn't made an all blackbelt group!
Eternal Sonata
I haven't played Eternal Sonata, but I just want to say an all blackbelt group is fucking hilarious. Killed Chaos in one turn.
I guess I'll say Eternal Sonata sucks cause all the characters are named after music.
Damn journalists.
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker
Damn white suits.
Top Gear
inferior gear game.
guilty gear
Just another button mashing game.
Phantom Dust
Ar Tonelico 2
ugly graphics and cheap you'd think it was made by rpgmaker
Tales of the abyss
Never heard of it, so it sucks.
Final Fantasy VII
Overhyped, fucking "omg i'm cool but i don't really do much more" villain, had not that much for it except the materia system.
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
metroidvanias that aren't cave story are boring as shit
mars matrix
puhLEEZE. Topdown shooters are for quarter junkies.
Illusions of Gaia
I've never fucking heard of it, that means it doesn't matter.
Cave Story
2D games are so '90s.
Ken's Labrynth
Ken's Labyrinth.
Ken's fucking Labyrinth???
okay fine. It's too freakin huge. on the ?plus? side, they made it playable on current operating systems.
Guilty Gear XX-2
> Terranigma
It was too good for America.
> Guilty Gear XX-2
Another one? When are they going to convict the damn gears and lock them up in maximum security?
Commander Keen in Aliens Ate My Babysitter!
Hated that fucking pogo stick. And making Jump puzzles with it, gah!
Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra
Might and Magic? More like Blight and Headtick!
Herzog Zwei
Herzog Zwei? Nah!
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Huge Demonic Babies, 48 levels of the same thing. Also, Fester's Quest-alike if you ask me.
Tales of Symphonia
Beat em up battle system, bash bash bash..oh where you are turned base?
Assassin Blue
despite how good it might be, it just seems too amateurish on the outside for me to bother playing it.
Super Swing Golf
It's not Hot Shots/ Minna no Golf
Yoshi's Island
Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door
It's not the original.
Gokujou Parodius
it's not fair that the only good side scrolling shooters don't take themselves seriously.
Dragon Quest
Ye Olde Englishe
Devil May Cry
Those fucking stairs.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 + Knuckles
If you drink from the {, you will die.
You were either godlike from the start with like 20 stolen ion cannons following you around all-game, or every mission devastated your units and you're left with nothing. It's kinda weird when the salvage corvette is the best unit.
Beyond Good and Evil
Plot sucks
Halo 3
Cool game, bro
Katamari Damashi
Wow, rolling shit around sure is fun.
Master, We're really in a bind now! <- having to wait through that intro a million times gets real annoying.
Phantasy Star IV
It's a fugly piece of shit.
Gunstar Heroes
Hur dur liked it better when it was called Metal Slug (Hard for me to criticize Gunstar Heroes)
R-Type III
Shit story progression.
Streets of Rage II
Could never find chicken when I needed it.
Baldur's Gate II
I could never get that damn game to work.
No sequel
Resident Evil 5 (demo or for the thievin:p pirates,the game:)
it's just like resident evil 4 EXCEPT WITH BLACK PEOPLE.
fear 2
it's just like FEAR except, oh wait no, it's just like FEAR. Shoot things, wander around the same rooms, see creepy (hopefully you're looking where you're supposed to!), repeat.
Yumi Nikki
Generic RPG Maker game with horrible design and no direction.
Shadow of the Colossus
I liked that shit better when it was called Alien Soldier
Sexy Parodius
Too awesome for foreign release.
Kinda screwed if you dislike the music
Out of this world
The re-release costs money.
Oddworld: Abe's Odysee
fuckin awesome, i cant think of anything negative about that game
.hack series
Fucking horrible, i can't think of anything positive about that game.
GTA Chinatown Wars
Rehash of a rehash of a rehash of a rehash...
Magna Carta: Tears of Blood
Like most JRPGs, looks great, advertised as "unique", plays like shit and the most corny dialogue ever
Sky Odyssey
I hope you realize I was joking.
Also, I liked that shit better when it was called Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.
Speaking of which, Skies of Arcadia
>>191 that game was awsome! my favorites are a toss up between thief deadly shadows and the chronicles of riddick escape from butcher bay. and the new riddick dark Athena looks to be sweet too.
>>194 dont you mean The story of thor? LOL no
Star Parodier
>>195 didn't I say that it's unfair all the good shooters aren't even taking themselves seriously???
Summon Night: Swordcraft story
The first one sucked compared to the second. Hell, Sugar didn't even give the guy main any loving whatsoever.
Speaking of which, Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2
<Aside> One might say thst Sugar didn't give him any Sugar </Aside>
canned laughter
At least in the first one, there was no nonsense keeping you from gameplay. Now it seems like the game does everything in its power to keep you from playing efficiently. That being said, Dinah is 10x better than Sugar.
FFFables: Chocobo's Dungeon.
Way too easy and forgiving for a roguelike. Also, the story is nonsensical and the cutscenes are insipid. (That said, I liked the game anyway.)
God Hand.
This game almost gave me a seizure due to playing one game literally for HOURS. I then spent DAYS seeing blocks everywhere.
Too complicated for real-time: Soldat is a better choice.
Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix
Started the wave of casual DDR shit. Also, enjoy shitloads of public domain music.
Jet Set Radio Future
Some of the remixes kinda sucked compared to their original songs.
Radia Senki
Tecmo, the minds behind Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive, making an RPG? Why don't I just kick myself in the balls for a few hours and call it a game, yeah?
Panzer Dragoon Saga.
Too goddamn expensive.
Fallout 1
Not enough weapons, world map too small.
Fallout 2
Fallout 2: Electric Boogaloo; Same as the first basically but with slightly improved graphics.
Team Fortress 2
The same damn classes with the same damn strategy every time.
Can't see shit, captain and now I'm dead because of it.
Startropics 2
Two Words... SNOW. CAVES.
Final Fantasy XI
Played one MMORPG you played them all.
Unreal Tournament
Played one FPS you played them all.
Jet Grind Radio
I liked it better when it was called shitty music and terrible gameplay.
A Boy and His Blob
Hero ya go, I hope you can figure out where you want to go, the crazy ass path you have to go to get there, and can always remember what beans do what! also, don't use that lime (was it lime?) jellybean until you need it!
Assassin's creed
Do stupid puzzle, walk to the next, kill dude, rinse, repeat.
pokemon silver
Gold had better Pokemons
Europa Universalis III
Every time you play is basically the same and it takes days to do anything.
King's Bounty
Everyone's sick of medieval romanticism
Rhythm Tengoku
I liked it better when it was called Wario Ware
Wario Ware (the first one)
Then Rhythm Tengoku comes along and perfects the formula
Parappa the Rapper
Push the buttons that go along with the music; Repeat until you win the game.
Team Fortress 2
Kiddy FPS with shitty unbalanced gameplay.
Team Fortress 2
Infinite loop
Pff, only scrubs need graphics in their roguelikes.
Slaves to Armok: God of Blood Chapter II:Dwarf Fortress
LMAO 2CAT!!11!!!!!1!!
Roller coaster tycoon 2
Team Fortress 2