Girls with tattoos are Disgusting right? (230)

185 Name: Hauntingly : 2012-03-01 20:37 ID:xJVAt4nS

Just because someone has a tattoo does not mean they are a criminal, slut, or anything else degrading. It is their life and they are expressing their way in persay getting inked. Don't judge someone so easily becasue they have a tattoo or body piercing. It's self-expression look it up, regradless if they are getting it for a dead friend, or for reasons they do no want to share, it is their life and descion to make. I have two tattoo's, and I cant stand when people assume that I am some wannabe troublemaker. Don't judge a book by it's cover so easily. Yes people can get addicted to it so much, but again it's their life not yours.

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