Don't ask me why they do it because I don't know but it is definitely gross. Especially tattoos colored green, why green? Get a color that goes well with your skin, whatever. It is just weird and stupid and makes me mad. grrr.... I'm not kidding.
Personaly l love tattoos, actully planning on being a tattoo artist, that doesn't mean i'm fucking retarted, l just love body art, honestly tattoos are a persons way to express themselves, just be unique with it. Get a tattoo that reflects your personality, men or women look good with tats, dont like 'em dont get one just because you have some doesnt mean your trashy, so stop hating on them. lt's just your opinion. Yes i'm a girl, yea i'm only 17, and yea l love tattoos, have a problem get the fuck over it
Just don't go crazy with it.
I know too many people who get addicted to the point where even tattoo artists think they look disgusting.
I can't stand girls with tattoo.
The only thing that bugs me is getting one on your face. It just seems like a very weird place to get one... And kutos to ever mentioned the Suicide Girls they're a modleng agency showing people that tattoo's, piercings and expressing your self is BEAUTIFUL!! And to the people who say they don't like people with tattoo's FYI we don't like you either.
Sincerely, men and women with tattoo's
P.S. there's even chrurchs that could care less if you have piercings/tattoos/gauged ears :)
Just because someone has a tattoo does not mean they are a criminal, slut, or anything else degrading. It is their life and they are expressing their way in persay getting inked. Don't judge someone so easily becasue they have a tattoo or body piercing. It's self-expression look it up, regradless if they are getting it for a dead friend, or for reasons they do no want to share, it is their life and descion to make. I have two tattoo's, and I cant stand when people assume that I am some wannabe troublemaker. Don't judge a book by it's cover so easily. Yes people can get addicted to it so much, but again it's their life not yours.
Only someone who is addicted could talk about addiction and having two times the trashy tattoo only makes your miserable maggot-ridden break-and-enter mugshot look worse. Books are sold by their cover if you don't like that why don't you just go back to Syria you scum-sucking sodomite who cannot even clean carpets
tattoos are awesome actually.
Girls with nice tattoos are so fuckin hot.
I say tramp stamp. Tatttoos are just an attention getter or some way for a girl to show there self off.
A great many people associate tattoos with methheads and other forms of criminal white trash, due to long association and the aggregate of many observations.
It is your skin and you can do what you want with it. However, if you choose to convert yourself into a billboard that says "I think it's fashionable and appropriate to look like a convict and a carnival freak," don't be surprised when people hear the message you're sending. Don't be surprised when it keeps you from getting a job, for example, or when people shun you for it.
gooby plz
this thread is 7 years old. someone called out a guy for saying lulz and told him to gb2 4chan. 4chan doesn't even know what that means. other chans have oldfags like me that haven't heard the term in many years. i feel so fucking old
Tattoo girls are ok if they let me fuck them anally
fix: Girls are Disgusting
No tattoos please. Only gangsters & sailors have tats.
tattoos are ok if done tastefully, as all things in life
sage for low effort necrobump chain!
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo has personality.
This thread reeks of people who were bullied in high school.
girls with small 'Q' tattoos can be cute
you can't enter japanese hotsprings if you get a tattoo so if you have one, i can't be friends with you
oh god no not the honorable glorious japanese hot springs
This thread is hilarious, sad little boys with backwards views raging online about how other people's appearances. Wasn't it Jesus that said “Great people talk about ideas, basic people talk about things, small people talk about other people”? Or it might have been Karl Kraus? I think tattoos usually look tacky but some of the opinions ITT are hilariously pathetic
I think it might have been Adolf Hitler.
i fully agree. tattoos are meaningless tattoos, they mean NOTHING!
What does it mean when people say "Tattoos are a way to express yourself"?
If you have a fiery personality you get a tatto with fire motif to show it's easy to piss you off?
Tatoos are hot. But I keep thinking of how this girl will look like when she turns 50, and, eh, let's not. She will get lots of dicking from me personally for the next 10 years though, who cares about a future that distant.
Tattoos are more associated with criminals for me, where each tattoo actually means something, sort of a semi-secret language.
>>210 It's an example of something I find quite interesting in modern life, when a niche culture and its signs and symbols and language etc. gets mainstream popularity and lose their meaning
Like when punk rock kids who never been to prison get cobweb tattoos on their elbows (which symbolises someone has been inside for a long stretch) just because it looks cool
I like when this process kills shitty memes as well, for example I suspect that 草 was originally mostly used by inmu faggots, but once everyone started using that it slightly washed away negative associations.
>She will get lots of dicking from me
No one will get any amount of dicking from you!
If you suck a vegan girl's tits, does the milk taste different?
Women and men need to lactate first to be able to give milk so you won't get any milk if you try it on any random girl, vegan or not. It can be achieved outside of pregnancy, if you use mechanical stimulation that usually affects hormones, and take hormones or herbs that affect hormones. So you can find out all by yourself! Make yourself lactate, first have a very meat heavy diet and store your milk in the freezer, then have a vegan diet for a month and store that in the freezer too to eliminate that variable. Then thaw them and try them side by side! Report back your findings to us.
Tattoos do not exist.
Nothing exists, including me. You are a Boltzmann brain, completely alone in a hallucination that you have convinced yourself is an independently existing universe with other sentient beings in it. When you accept this as fact, you will attempt to self-terminate, but in fact you will merely erase your memories and begin another miserable span of delusional cogitation.
Maybe in the next one, you'll have a tattoo fetish.
>self-hurt usually means self-hate.
>tfw your kid's mom hate herself
tattoos on girls is really disgusting i agree
As my old man used to say, "If she's got a doodle, don't let her touch your noodle." 'Cause you'll catch something nasty, he said.
...What about the girl with the dragon tattoo? ヽ(´ー`)ノ
They can look cool