Girls with tattoos are Disgusting right? (227)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-22 17:17 ID:Zn34kRKx

Don't ask me why they do it because I don't know but it is definitely gross. Especially tattoos colored green, why green? Get a color that goes well with your skin, whatever. It is just weird and stupid and makes me mad. grrr.... I'm not kidding.

224 Name: Anonymous : 2024-04-16 07:28 ID:nBuBW1lQ

tattoos on girls is really disgusting i agree

225 Name: Anonymous : 2024-04-16 08:43 ID:iZSKvmXL

>>224 You are probably disgusting to most girls

226 Name: Anonymous : 2024-04-21 01:22 ID:FfSzGM+Y

As my old man used to say, "If she's got a doodle, don't let her touch your noodle." 'Cause you'll catch something nasty, he said.

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