Men can breastfeed babies too. Hilarious, isn't it? (14)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-24 02:20 ID:zUQQUKLW

I just found out and had to share with you all. My world has changed. :-D

I was randomly checking out the lactation article at wikipedia, went over to induced lactation, and lo and behold there was not only talk about male lactation but also an entire page about it. I checked out
and this is all sorts of awesome and hilarious.

I hope men breastfeeding kids instead of baby formula when the woman can't (disease, b0rked glands, whatever) will get more common. Or shared breastfeeding, that should get popular with the guys who feel left out when the chick spends so much time breastfeeding and bonding with the kid.

This is really awesome. Bwahaha.

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