[WARNING] The shocking truth [WAKE UP] (15)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2014-04-23 02:13 ID:EtlBpWSV

I've recently became aware of some information. Some information that was, to say the least, very shocking and horrifying to me.

Women aren't real.

Yes, I'll say that again. Women aren't real. Yes, you may see what you think are women, walking the streets in broad daylight, caring for children, playing sports, but those ARE NOT women.
The creatures who you think are women are, in reality, members of what I can only hypothesize is an alien race or a type of demon.
I mean, think about it. Have you ever actually seen a human vagina in real life? Of course you haven't. Yeah, there are those on this board who claim to have had sex with women before, but if you could see who was posting these stories of sex, you'd probably be horrified. But all of the REAL people here have never seen a human vagina that wasn't on a computer screen. How do you know it exists, then? You don't. The shape of a vagina can easily be modeled and faked. The fact is that these "woman" do not have vaginas at all, but a smooth crotch with no genitals!
Yes, this is true; once they seduce an unlucky man with their demonic pheromones (this is why some people think that women smell good), they haul them up to their mothership, where the man is neutered, subject to extensive brainwashing, and is either injected with a fetal human (baby boy), or a fetal woman (baby alien). You see, the human race is actually monosex, but we have been brainwashed into believing otherwise...

When the man is dumped back to earth, he is pregnant, but he cannot know this. Due to the Woman-creature's hallucinatory drugs, he is tricked into thinking that the WOMAN is pregnant. This is one of the most devilish tricks that women are is possession of.
Once the fetus has matured enough, the man craps it out, and the woman collects it. But there is of course more to it; She uses her hallucinatory drugs to make the man think that she has went through unfathomable pain to dispense the baby, and thus earns even more trust from the man and further drags him into his brainwashed daze.

The end result of this is that the Woman-creature either reproduces or creates another host for future members of her race to use. It should be brought to attention that the baby boys that are birthed are not actually genetically related to the “father” at all. They are clones manufactured just like cheese puffs in the Women’s ship. These clones are genetically predisposed to seek out Women to be hosts for; this is why you find yourself sexually attracted to women even though our species is monosex. In addition to this genetic tempering, the Women use their political power (they are also in control of every government and company on earth; this should come as no surprise) they also make use of brainwashing teqniques.
They tell you from birth that the major indicator of success is a wife. You must get a wife, they say. You must lose your virginity, they say. This has proven as VERY effective, as some people even spiral into a deep depression when they cannot do what their Demon overlords tell them to do.

Feminism is a recent development in the Woman-creature’s reign. It is a result of a paradigm shift in their ruling teqniques. It has been decided that they should adopt a much stricter, direct method of influence. They are pushing for greater promiscuity, doing everything they can to make sure that as much new Woman-creatures are produced as possible. They are obviously going to try to implement a New World Order soon…

We must do everything in our power to make sure that this horrible goal is not realized; we must stay away from Woman-creatures at all cost.
Do not let them near you, my human brethren. Do not trust the pheromones they spew; do not talk to them; do not let them know that you know.
Stay safe, my friends.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2014-04-23 03:13 ID:f2v1EjQj

So should I start having gay mansex to try to produce some trueblood humans?

3 Name: Anonymous : 2014-04-23 19:04 ID:EtlBpWSV

That would be a futile effort.

Humans used to reproduce through osmosis, before the woman-creatures arrived. Unfortunately, they remove that capability from us and attach penises to our crotches while injecting us into our fathers.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2014-04-23 21:34 ID:f2v1EjQj

You mean Zardoz was right? The penis really is evil?

5 Name: Anonymous : 2014-04-28 19:31 ID:ZLOVtfav

As a female, I have a really funny feeling from reading this.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2014-04-30 02:59 ID:EtlBpWSV

That's the feeling of being found out.
It's the feeling of having your secrets exposed to the world.
It's the feeling of being foiled. Foiled by me.
I'm warning you now, you and your kind should go back to wherever you came from. There is an uprising at hand, you cannot oppress us humans anymore.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2014-05-04 20:35 ID:kFQHjgk7

yeah, but... they can still give blow jays, right?

8 Name: Anonymous : 2014-05-27 23:03 ID:EtlBpWSV


9 Name: Anonymous : 2014-05-28 13:46 ID:qi6zV2vu

Okay I will use gay guys who would just love to give me a BJ :3

10 Name: Anonymous : 2014-06-19 07:50 ID:ZbsPoVlj

So is 4-ch.net the English equivalent of 2ch.net, or just the English section?

11 Name: Anonymous : 2014-08-31 13:24 ID:f2v1EjQj

gooby plz

12 Name: Anonymous : 2014-09-06 03:52 ID:Heaven

You wanted to bump the thread to tells us this?

13 Post deleted.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-26 00:33 ID:euwO8VMv


15 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-26 04:34 ID:855/u49P

thank you scammer bot

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