Was it posted somewhere?
It has?
I like posting here.
I'm pretty sure it's just one person, who just found the site and is trying to make it active again. Or maybe it was linked somewhere, I don't know.
All of the posts here are by one person (me)
Disregard >>6, as it is actually I who makes every post you see here.
No, I am Spartacus.
We have many lurkers here.
>>9 Not sure why they would lurk as this is quite slow compared to other sites.
Ten fucking posts in less than a week. STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT!!!!
Two of them were yours. I think you're the problem here, buddy. (And now I am, too.)
I wanna be the problem
Ok, I'll admit it. I'm the one making all the posts.
There are more people here than I thought there'd be, though. I think I am not the only one who still browses 4-ch to see if there's anything new.
2016-2018 is the 「J U S T | P O S T」 era of the truenet. embrace it friendo.
It's still not active enough! We need more activity, desu!
I lurk here once in a while, wishing to see some activity, too. Post Office is my new home for the time being.
We need a five-year plan of planned posting.
I's a textboard. I think it's kinda hard to find it by just searching "Post Office", so have an URL: http://afternoon.dynu.com/
People finally learned the sanctity (and superiority) of well-thought out posts and AA art. I found out about 4ch and it's everything I love. I hope this place never falls into newbie-attracting infamy. This place is sacred.
Oh, and thank you, >>22. Its layout is really nice, seems like it has a good community, too.
Seriously, though. This place is far too god to be infected by new-age "memes" that last for a couple of days/weeks before they "get old". We need to keep this place as pure as we can.
I wonder where squeaks is, though.
>>26 it's not a great place, though. I understand your excitement, but this is an abandoned place with a dead community, so you should not worry about it getting "infected" by the newer internet culture.
To be honest, I find SAoVQ and Post Office better than 4-ch.
There is also this new place called "RAL" that is really interesting. Simply search "RAL textboard" and you'll find it.
But it's not like I think this place should die, either. I want it to stay alive, but at a slow pace.
I don't mind if there's lot of new users coming as long as they make quality posts, which is often not the case.
Hmm. It seems interesting, it looks like 4x13. Is it very active?
I make my own text board that only I post on. There are 30 posts per minute. Very active. Your're jealous.
I would consider activity to be a good thing, most users that would even come across a place like this more than likely had been given source by another that more than likely shared a common interest, I for example am new here was referred here by a friend when discussing boards with wordy text heavy discussion, regardless on subject, most there is a time and place. He asked if i had given text boards a shot, and i figured why not. this is a very nice site and I look forward to lurking and learning a bit more about it.
Yeah, I'll teach you sumthin good boy. Something real good.
Go back to Reddit ebin :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
utf-8 unicode is better than pure ascii imo
Your post suggests to me that you are a cultured appreciator of fullwidth, my good sir.
the ascii board looks pretty good, honestly surprised to see 2018 posts there. this is a nice site.
I forgot all about the Post Office. It used to be one of my favorite text boards to post on, since it has the news and video/image feed but then it was shut down for a while and I forgot about it. I'm glad it's back.
>>37 He thought you were talking about ANSI ASCII, and not the JIS standard "Shift" confusingly developed by a company which called itself ASCII, probably because it didn't expect itself to ever be doing anything like that.
Fullwidth exists in Unicode in range U+FF01-FF5E, therefore its use is acceptable, although some demanding cognoscenti insist that its true elegance is only manifest in the original JIS standards.
Thanks for the info. To me, fullwidth is best for ASCII art.
>>42 Yeah, but UTF isn't ACII either. At least, not "pure" ASCII.
I used to post here constantly when I was depressed and really sad and miserable. I'm glad people are posting here and doing more than what I was.
How have I never found this website? I used to browse the 4chan text boards every single day...久しぶり!
I really miss posting on /prog/, it was sad to see them go
I remembered that 4chan had text boards so I searched '4chan text board'. I found this board in the search results.
Someone said something to me the other day that was very close to the word tanasinn and memories of tanasinn resurfaced immediately. After doing some research, I came here!
I posted on both but I never felt the need to explicitly refer to 4-ch from dis.4chan.org . I guess I assumed that if you knew one that you would also know the other.
Tiktok ban has made people return to tradition.
I just visited that website, clicked on the right icon, and immediately got flashed with cp....
I found it from here https://tsk.bearblog.dev/links/