Sonzaishinai World (294, permasaged)

123 Name: Anonymous : 2021-03-31 08:51 ID:StkRH2Lu

There's a lot of 12chan type of pedophilia on those boards. Saw a picture of a girl no older than 8 looking down a balcony and some sick fuck was recording up her skirt. Was posted and not a single person in a thread of over 15 comments condemned the OP, as if it just happens every day.

Heyuri was okay but then they got rid of the textboards and the fact that Kuz can't get perl working on his new server while still trying to run an online network is just... eh, a sign of incompetence.

Another off putting thing about it is there's just so many fucking sites attached to this network that I can't even feel like I'm doing it justice talking about it when I can't remember what site #128's domain was or what makes any of them different from each other to begin with. Don't even know what domain I saw the pedo shit on, just know it had Kuz's network running it.

I guess he's trying to run the new iichan, but it's the worst way to go about it. iichan was decentralized and was hosted across multiple different volunteer servers with lots of different participants. This is just one dude and apparently a discord cabal.

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