There can never be a return to the "good old days". (39)

23 Name: Anonymous : 2021-12-10 05:17 ID:ITYrIh3i

Blah blah blah, things can't be like they were in the past because of x y and z. Well it is a good thing for those who want to that we have the internet and technology which allows us to view discussions from years and decades ago. If those people want to enjoy old things they can, but I guess they can't actively be a part of that historic moment or culture or feeling.



4chan or "4channel" now requires JavaScript to be enabled to be able to see anything at all, as seen here:

This is absurdly stupid, considering that the web design concept is a somewhat minimalist bulletin board system. Or maybe that was the web design philosophy to begin with. Or maybe that is just a relic of the past. Now gookmoot's web design philosophy is probably all about selling user data and pushing out video advertisements which show penis in vagina.

I think I remember using 4chan back in 2012 or 2013 or 2014 and if you wanted to see new posts in a thread you would have to press F5. Now everyone uses AJAX or whatever to load new posts in the webpage.

I like pictures, but sometimes they are a bit much for me.

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