Non-Anonymous Sites are for faggots (14)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2021-03-19 13:10 ID:a1TLRl3r

I fucking hate social media with a burning passion, especially lefty Discord which is full of tranny fags, larpers, and nigger worshipers. The only point for these platforms to even exist are to push a political agenda and sell ads by tracking every dust particle around any hardware device strapped to your computer in a 5 mile radius. Don't even get me started on the droids that buy this shit, like how every one on planet earth has to have a fucking Discord server and over 100 followers on Instagram to be even taken seriously. Have you seen the shit kids have on there phones now? EVERYWHERE I FUCKING GO It's something about TikTok, these zoomer's eat that shit up just to even think of having 15 minutes of fame. Isn't that what it's all about now? TikTok doesn't even give you the choice to click on a video or follow this person to see there content. NO, what they actually do is they shove that shit right into every young impressionable mind on earth with out any choice of action. It's legitimately a endless feed of brain-rotting videos that you can't even choose from.

This is not a new thing though. This has been going on since Facebook got mass attention, this has been going on since the iPhone gave normal niggers an easy way to connect to the internet. Sites like these are few and the ones that are out there with a mass audience are filled with the exact kind of people it wasn't meant for.
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