Non-Anonymous Sites are for faggots (14)

6 Name: Anonymous : 2021-03-20 04:40 ID:bY/UHek4

Shut up, OP is right. There is a surveillance pandemic and our privacy is being pillaged like crazy. I should be using Tor Browser right now, but I just fell into the same pattern of clicking on normal Firefox. Hopefully I can post to via Tor.

OP is also right that popular social media is dumb. YouTube for example is bloatware, and the website could have a simpler design where each web page doesn't have 20 megabytes of JavaScript and other HTML nonsense. I think Terry A. Davis supported this idea in the context of operating system and/or webpage design: Something is good not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to remove.

Microsoft also grows in power with Bing, Windows, and Xbox. I have also heard that Microdick is going to add a Linux subsystem into its Microsoft Windows 10 operating system, so that they can further crush the competition (Linux, Mac, and other OSs). This is worrying. Windows is not really a trustworthy OS, and this move by Micropenis could get less people to use Linux. Also Bill Gates is a big faggot and a hypocrite. I've heard that Bill bought massive areas of farmland in the United States. Why? Probably to store his huge herd of nigger cattle.

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