What even does "personality" mean? (9)

6 Name: Anonymous : 2021-04-03 11:20 ID:lGkIBCGH

Yes, personality is seen in the fact that people do/think differently in response to the same thing. Their doing or thinking is caused by certain personality traits that they have. These traits cause certain trends in what they do.

Do I think that any statues within reason should be destroyed? No. Nazi statues were destroyed in Germany and Communist statues were destroyed in Russia. Even then, speaking with the mindset of a historian and archivist, things maybe could have went differently. The Nazi or communist culture and history could have been preserved by putting the statues in a museum or at least taking photo, videos, and documentation of the statues, and then selling the statues to someone.

While destruction of those Nazi or communist statues might have been dumb, the destruction of statues in the US was even dumber. When said communist and Nazi statues were torn down it had a somewhat sensical natural flow to it. When Nazism in Germany failed people immediately destroyed the statues because some people really didn't like it, but were those people the citizens or foreign forces (e.g. the allies)? If the citizens of Germany decided to remove the Nazi statues instead of foreign allied forces then that would be better. When the Soviet Union failed people basically immediately torn down statues of Stalin and Lenin. Joe Stalin slaughtering your entire village was motivation for people to not want to look at Joe.

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