What even does "personality" mean? (9)

7 Name: Anonymous : 2021-04-03 11:43 ID:lGkIBCGH

In the United States the statues were not immediately destroyed because people didn't really care that much. They were however torn down like more than a century later.

That sorta dumb collection of videos hosted on Amazon's servers known as "Netflix" brought up a stupid counter point. In the film "Fuck 2020" or whatever it was called some brought up this idea, basically: "destruction of statues in the US was not the destruction of history but the making of history." I could cut off my erect dick and then quickly shove it up a 12-year-old girl's ass, get caught for all of, then go to prison/jail or maybe a mental institution; sure I would make history, but the history I would be making would be retarded. Similarly, the history that the destruction of statues in the US makes is one of globalism, censorship, cancel culture, and being childish. The idea of destroying cultural land marks because of the history they represent is not so far off from destroying books/digital data because of the history and ideas that they represent. One might even see the politics-related destruction of physical entities as a furtherance of the ubiquitous political destruction of digital data by big tech (e.g. YouTube). So wow you did it Reddit, you acted like big tech minions and destroyed statues near where you live! You did it Reddit, you ended racism! Thank you cancel culture for making the area you live in more ugly and less based in history and reality.

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