I miss the mid 00s (30)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2021-11-20 10:43 ID:cXTh+u47

2006 was the greatest year of my life.
I miss going to the bookstore and seeing all the gaming magazines.
I miss cellphones and landlines.
I miss imageboards before normies shitted them up.
I miss browsing the web on a 4:3 CRT monitor in 800x600.
I miss web 1.0.
I miss dial up internet.
I miss going to the library for their high speed internet.
I miss newgrounds, bemanistyle, ebaumsworld etc.
I miss the culture of the internet at the time.
I miss the way the United States was.
I miss walking into Staples and seeing floppy discs for sale.
I miss walking into Best Buy and seeing a row of linux distributions for sale.
I miss feeling excited and happy.
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