I miss the mid 00s (30)

14 Name: 5 : 2021-11-21 07:10 ID:Heaven

lol. All these responses for Linux.
Windows has and does have its flaws but it works. However, anything after Windows 7 is outright unusable and this is where I will say anything would be better.

LOL, get a reality check.
Linux is far from being the master. You are right about everything being shit, but Linux is included.

If you really want Linux to become the "master" then I suggest you stop Linux being a literal cancer splitting everything up.

If you really want Linux to be used in retail which I find laughable then ship a low priced laptop with ubuntu unity.
Much as I hate to say it, seems Chinese developers got it right with the desktop environments like Kylin or whatever else there is. People want to use what they already used to, not some weird ass shit like GNOME or KDE which both suck by the way.

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