this guy threw away 7500 BTC (3)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2021-12-17 09:42 ID:lT+JEAoO

>He managed to accumulate some 7,500 bitcoins – now worth more than $350 million.
>A special cryptographic private key for getting access to bitcoins was kept on a hard drive, which was accidentally thrown into the Docksway landfill site near Newport, Wales, in 2013. The man thought the device from his old computer contained nothing but rubbish.

he's going to waste money on excavating the landfill, and find out that the hdd from 2003 is now dead

2 Name: Anonymous : 2021-12-17 10:38 ID:Heaven

>and find out that the hdd from 2003 is now dead

You wanna know why they're called harddrives? The data is physical. They're less fragile than you think, and a proper expert can recover data even if its bent. They're very sturdy by the way, most likely the disc inside is in okay condition.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2021-12-17 10:42 ID:lT+JEAoO

bit rot happens on its own

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