2020's Mod request thread / Net culture zoomer flame war (14)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2022-05-04 12:09 ID:ADdxqu2Q

Was the most active i've ever seen this site. does any one remember that thread? it was the funniest shit.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2022-05-04 12:30 ID:Heaven


3 Name: Anonymous : 2022-05-05 01:03 ID:S9hvQXB/

4 Name: sage : 2022-05-09 06:01 ID:Heaven

funny at first then it becomes kind of stale.
it is true old users over react to seeing an emoji. i doubt its even some young person doing, probably some other user just doing it to get a reaction.
dont see what the problem is with new users coming on here most usually dont stick around. when they spam ssz usually cleans it up (eventually).
as with "culture" most of it is just copying 2ch with some being formed here.
also moot and his circle jerk sucks. it was the users that made site "great", but this is past so not really matter anymore...

5 Name: Anonymous : 2022-05-09 11:38 ID:Heaven

>probably some other user just doing it to get a reaction.

I never used emojis until I noticed the potential for lulz

6 Name: Anonymous : 2022-05-21 04:51 ID:Heaven


>also moot and his circle jerk sucks. it was the users that made site "great", but this is past so not really matter anymore...

This isn't yonchannel, bonehead

7 Name: Anonymous : 2022-07-03 09:41 ID:rXDzlPCQ

zoomers are the worst generation

8 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-08 01:25 ID:zXkFuM7D

>>4 It is strange how the users here seem to just try to make it 2ch, but in English. I'm sure the Japanese are making fun of us for being unoriginal.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-08 05:45 ID:Heaven

I don't think they even think about us.
Japanese old boy abandoned us, we are nothing.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-09 21:44 ID:Heaven

The "old user" who was overreacting about emojis was a teenager who came here from Heyuri, after getting banned there for having perpetual meltdowns over everyone else "not being oldfag enough."

11 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-11 08:53 ID:Heaven

I hate emojis too, in case you care. Have I motivated you to use them more yet?

I think to use emoji, text has to be in codepage that isn't just utf-8. Who here cares about emoji, do research for me.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-12 02:02 ID:e/ka0gzI

Honestly I would rather be an autistic zoomer who wanders into places like this rather than someone who's still stuck in the mentality of "normal people are entering my internet and don't understand my culture, I have to develop a more cynical attitude to combat this". That attitude created a runaway train which lead to kiwifarms and other stupid shit which is worse than anything normies could conjure up. A lack of gatekeeping is bad, spewing toxic bullshit to maintain your libertarian community is worse, especially when any real threat stopped existing years ago and you're screaming at windmills to stop attacking you

13 Name: Anonymous : 2023-07-09 10:47 ID:Jhl1ZxL/


14 Name: Anonymous : 2023-07-10 08:35 ID:Heaven

Nice post, byt keep in mind that this guy is most likely an autistic zoomer too.

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