fuck work (108)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2022-11-12 14:00 ID:GmUZ1tFh

Employment is a joke. Low pay, unreasonable hours, tasks that eat into your lunch break, working with assholes who criticize you while doing literally nothing and using company internet to use twitter or whatever the fuck people use these days. Wage work is fucking slavery. Just today my manager gave me a warning for sleeping at my desk during lunch recess. I can do what I like in my 30 minutes fuck off you jew! And holy fuck do they underpay me, all my wage goes into rent. I can't even afford lunch. What's the fucking point? I'd be happier starving all day and killing time watching anime and playing games. What did this job give me? Fucking nothing. Why do undeserving pigs have so much and we so little? The wheel will turn soon enough.

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