fuck work (108)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2022-11-12 14:00 ID:GmUZ1tFh

Employment is a joke. Low pay, unreasonable hours, tasks that eat into your lunch break, working with assholes who criticize you while doing literally nothing and using company internet to use twitter or whatever the fuck people use these days. Wage work is fucking slavery. Just today my manager gave me a warning for sleeping at my desk during lunch recess. I can do what I like in my 30 minutes fuck off you jew! And holy fuck do they underpay me, all my wage goes into rent. I can't even afford lunch. What's the fucking point? I'd be happier starving all day and killing time watching anime and playing games. What did this job give me? Fucking nothing. Why do undeserving pigs have so much and we so little? The wheel will turn soon enough.

101 Name: Anonymous : 2023-04-11 22:38 ID:PNcGG59I

Its all agenda 21 no house no family no kids depopulation. Vax 5G cancer it all works together to depopulate.

102 Name: Anonymous : 2023-04-16 03:25 ID:B7obMbWJ

After working at the same company for several months, someone finally asked about my sex life (or lack thereof...)

103 Name: Anonymous : 2023-04-16 13:54 ID:GnWmk7kb

i quit my job because my boss was promoting people that started after me above me. he did offer me a raise to stay but it was going to be a few bucks less than what the others made and i would have to do most of their work. that was a big fuck you to me. hard work just isn't rewarded in a capitalist system unless of course your working for yourself. but when you work for someone else it's just not. employers reward hard work with more hard work.

104 Name: Anonymous : 2023-04-17 06:50 ID:Heaven

Ahh, the well known way to fuck up as a boss. That stuff just isn't for everyone.

105 Name: Anonymous : 2023-04-18 12:25 ID:9hXip9q4

>>103 My boss doesn't do that, if I work harder to get something done for a surprise deadline, I get bonus time off. Not saying it doesn't happen, but I often see people complaining about employment in general when really they were just unlucky not to work somewhere better

106 Name: Anonymous : 2023-06-05 02:05 ID:fzMZZg5W

Don’t worry ChatGPT will replace us and dysfunctional AI can do your job for you except shittier. All while the rest of us all share a side walk on skid row hoping they’ll finally employ us after the next skyscraper comes down because some genius replaced the architect with a chatbot.

107 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-28 20:50 ID:0tWmBl3J

Coops, worker owned companies, or and (some) state governments all provide better conditions. Brother works for the state and gets paid well, gets a pension (that's not underwater), and has good benefits all while doing less work than when he was in the private sector. My roommate works for a coop as a dev and has an excellent work/life balance. Currently what I'm seeking to escape the hellscape that is contracting.


>As if unions actually did anything even when you give them money.

You are aware this year (and to an extent, last year) were hot summers and tons of folks won better pay, right?

108 Name: Anonymous : 2023-12-23 00:57 ID:Szs0CD3G

I successfully got myself fired now I can wake up whenever I want and do what I want. First few days were boring though.

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