fuck work (108)

75 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-18 22:54 ID:wdOCdA3y

As if unions actually did anything even when you give them money.
The reason why people don't join unions is because they fear not having a job and want their job to pay bills so nothing changes.
Doesn't help that most people are in debt to credit cards buying useless shit and that the company will either have so much money that it does nothing to them or that there will always be someone willing to work or take your shitty place.

He makes it as a streamer and somehow manages to make money.
This video is an example of how his streams go.
I know part of it is because he became infamous for what he does so people keep his "legacy" alive.
Why do people give him money? No clue.

Another thing I can recall people doing was making "VTubers".
Pretty much your webcam maps your movement to a virtual character and people went nuts over it, even had dudes posing as girls to try it hop in on that sweet cash grab.
I know people give vtubers money just for them to say their nickname or some shit like that.

I wouldn't do streaming though for money and would rather do it has a hobby.
I never liked how it went from you making videos for fun or whatever and people watching them to you make videos and expect your viewers to give you money especially with how streamers view or talk to their viewers.
I mean even that DSP streamer doesn't like to stream, not hard to tell. But because of how long its been since he worked and the amount of debt he's raked up he has to go on with the show because somehow his streams manage to make more money.

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