fuck work (108)

44 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-15 15:55 ID:TyCHB3po

my manager spends his day jerking off behind his desk thinking nobody knows. he has a seperate office with those ugly metal blinds and whenever he puts it down you know hes beating it. at first it was kinda funny but now its just annoying as fuck and i have to jam my headphones into my ears untill they bleed and blast something loud and annoying just to survive. fat sweaty bastard has built up some endurance too, maybe all that porn watching has given him a limp dick and a right arm built like ronnie coleman? why the fuck do i have to put up with this shit? seriously nobody can tell him to jerk off somewhere else because he has the power to fire us whenever he wants. im half considering flooding his pc with lolis and ratting him out to chris hanson or the fbi but you know what they say about snitches.

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