fuck work (108)

57 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-14 23:45 ID:ZWQuHTKB

Today I went home early from work feeling sick. I was genuinely feeling sick but also not really in the mood to be there. I really shouldn't have though because apparently I've taken off a lot of time this year and I got disciplined for it (fuckers).

Since I took the day off, I'll have to get a doctors note during the week which is going to be a huge pain in the ass as I'll have to sit in some clinic for 3 hours just to say "I need these forms signed, I felt a bit dizzy at work and didn't want to faint and went home. I know this is a huge waste of your time as a physician but my employer is an asshole and my job depends on it."

It's this sort of shit I hate. I hate my day job but I do actually do a good job when I'm there. I get thanked for it by those around me. But the management? They don't notice and worry about shit like this. Fuck them!

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