fuck work (108)

62 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-23 13:29 ID:hZxDmH0d

I got a job and actually go outside now and I fucking hate it but have to pay the bills somehow. I thought I’d get a job and act like normie and everything would be okay and I’d be normal but I totally failed. Fuck it I’m better off alone and at home watching anime all day. Trying to role play as a normie all day is just painful. I have to put up with their bullshit materialism and false flag fuckery. Now I just tell my work colleagues to fuck off every time I see them. “Hey can you take these down to Jemm-“ fuck off! “Hey, so we’re all going out for lunch do you want to com—-“ fuck off! My manager has warned me for this behavior so today I told her to fuck off. I hope they fire me so I don’t have to get up every day at 5am put up with the excrement they are.

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