Dreams (11)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-04 20:53 ID:V5aQYQn3

I wish it was possible to record your dreams and then store them as video files.
I had such an awesome dream last night that started out with me in some supermarket like K-Mart in the electronics aisle, I was next to Palmer Luckey and one other guy from the early days of Oculus VR (I can't remember his name, it was the dark haired guy who wasn't Nate Mitchell or the jew from valve) and they were messing around with a gaming demo kiosk thing with a joystick and the game was like a Mech fighting game.
Anyways, I was lamenting about the state of VR being simply the Development Kit 1 and the HMDs that proceeded it, which is true because to this day virtual reality is still a big joke, I mean who would want to use a headset that doesn't feature verifocal display technology.
Anyways, suddenly I'm in this large movie theater looking room next to all these people and we're all lying down, when suddenly I am transported to this space that I can only describe as something like a Mario 64 type thing where I'm jumping down these floating platforms.
I then find myself in what looked like Ancient Egypt except the interiors of buildings were made of marble and everyone was European (the race).
I then realized that I was in virtual reality, except instead of being in a stupid HMD I was "in" the virtual environment, this is commonly referred to as "full-immersion virtual reality" which is achieved by sending electronic signals directly to the brain.
The Egyptian sequence was super cool and in away sort of reminded me of Final Fantasy XII, it was pretty similar in a lot of ways such as the look of the soldier's suits.
There is so much more to that dream sequence but I won't get into it because that would take too much effort.
So then suddenly I'm in this big building that kind of looked like a private school, and everyone is an anime looking person.
I was following this chibi looking anime girl up these stairs to this room full of other anime looking people and they had this box of video games inside their cases, I was so amazed at the level of detail they put into the design of the game boxes and manuals, and that instead of simply playing an emulator they made it so you could experience the games as they originally were in the fleshnet.
So after that I'm inside a huge shopping mall and Hideo Kojima had set up some elaborate marketing gimmick to promote an upcoming Metal Gear game, it was an old 80s style boombox running a cassette tape and it was connected to these two musical instrument-like devices that allowed you to manipulate the sound.
After that I became this anime girl with a really cool cyberpunk outfit and I saw myself walking down the mall hallway in third person mode, then I went back into first person mode and saw this abandoned area of the mall where all the stores like EB Games used to be.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-05 15:22 ID:dmL6YYL/

Yeah same, I had a dream before where a naked big tiddy anime girl embraced me outside the sunset.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-05 15:24 ID:iTj1LCql

I have aphantasia. My dreams aren’t even monochrome—they're just "words" and "concepts" floating insode my head.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-05 18:11 ID:iaBBYIfX

Are the words auditory?

5 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-05 18:27 ID:Heaven

Have you considered you might be an alien robot?

6 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-06 03:14 ID:5JQm+rfJ

Know exactly how you feel. It’s like you have words and concepts but you can’t really articulate them after a dream, you can’t write them down or anything. They aren’t images more like sensations of ideas that come in and out of your lucid sleepwalking brain or it could just be the sisqo fucking up my head.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-06 21:08 ID:V5aQYQn3


I get that as I'm starting to fall asleep, it's like my mind is winding down and I enter a sort of psychosis-like state but then once I'm fully asleep the IMAX tier full on movies nearing virtual reality occur.
Last night I had a brief moment of lucidity while dreaming I was at my grandparent's house, but as soon as I started watching the tv I lost lucidity and went back into autopilot mode.
It was really cool too because there was a full on video playing on the tv screen and I wanted to see what it looked like, which sucks because I can't really remember now but if I had to describe it it was cartoony and sort of avant garde looking.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-10 10:28 ID:VY3S7Vd7

Salvador Dalí used to eat a big load of cheese at night and sit in his armchair with a bundle of keys in his hand, dangled above a dinner plate. As he drifted off to sleep he'd drop the keys on the plate and the clatter would wake him up, and then he'd paint the crazy shit he just saw in those vivid dreams you get in that falling-asleep state

9 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-12 02:53 ID:k4D5Gi5i

I heard Nikola Tesla used to enter these semi-wake dream states to get inspiration. He’d fall asleep over a metal bed holding two metal balls in his hands, the moment he’d begin to fall asleep the balls would drop from his hands, strike the metal, and keep him semi-wake in this dreamlike state.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-21 20:49 ID:YMmXqgCM


11 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-26 21:56 ID:7OPGiQU8

Now here you go again, you say you want your freedom
Well, who am I to keep you down?

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