New front page photo (17)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-13 10:38 ID:PUGYqh0s

It almost made I think I checked the wrong website.

2 Name: Mr. 2 GET likes to 2 GET : 2023-01-13 11:52 ID:HcmmIE3c

I never see the front page...

3 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-13 15:39 ID:Heaven


4 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-13 16:20 ID:WUQpRX7u

Yeah I noticed that too. You’d think they’d update something more useful around here than just add a new front page photo. Why don’t we have a mega board? Why don’t we have a random board? Why don’t we have something that makes this damn place a little more accessible and functional? Why do we have broken captcha?

5 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-13 16:53 ID:o4vqXVPq

please go back to where you came from

6 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-14 10:31 ID:aWFwWk9h

I miss the old frontpage already

7 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-14 18:20 ID:Heaven

>>4 hmmmm get fucked. Those are all shit ideas and you problems.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-14 23:36 ID:dqLFyCx5

>>4 Because that isn't This place is what it is.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-15 10:39 ID:rNXg55c+

i have to admit captcha sucks just ger rid of it already

10 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-15 15:15 ID:Heaven

>>9 Is there something wrong with you?

11 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-17 00:28 ID:Y6tp0FGZ

Just set the front page picture back to the original one from 1993

12 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-17 04:20 ID:Heaven

I myself preferred the Usenet 4-ch text picture from 1987.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-17 16:18 ID:o5AVEw1i

It was NOTHING to ARPANET 4-ch punchcard picture from 1969!

14 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-29 23:48 ID:x0jhA9X3

I miss the colorful ribbons, but I guess some change is ok.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-02 00:24 ID:Heaven

Ribbons with scribbles is a good metaphor for what the average 4-ch post is

16 Name: Anonymous : 2024-02-02 10:54 ID:xI788OjD

Cops arrest 17-year-old suspected of hundreds of swattings nationwide
Police traced swatting calls to teen’s home IP addresses.
ASHLEY BELANGER - 2/2/2024, 8:32 AM
Police suspect that a 17-year-old from California, Alan Filion, may be responsible for "hundreds of swatting incidents and bomb threats" targeting the Pentagon, schools, mosques, FBI offices, and military bases nationwide, CNN reported.

Swatting occurs when fraudulent calls to police trigger emergency response teams to react forcefully to non-existent threats.

Recently extradited to Florida, Filion was charged with multiple felonies after the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) traced a call where Filion allegedly claimed to be a mass shooter entering the Masjid Al Hayy Mosque in Sanford, Florida. The caller played "audio of gunfire in the background," SCSO said, while referencing Satanism and claiming he had a handgun and explosive devices.

Approximately 30 officers responded to the call in May 2023, then determined it was a swatting incident after finding no shooter and confirming that mosque staff was safe. In a statement, SCSO Sheriff Dennis Lemma said that "swatting is a perilous and senseless crime, which puts innocent lives in dangerous situations and drains valuable resources" by prompting a "substantial law enforcement response."

Seminole County authorities coordinated with the FBI and Department of Justice to track the alleged "serial swatter" down, ultimately arresting Filion on January 18. According to SCSO, police were able to track down Filion after he allegedly "created several accounts on websites offering swatting services" that were linked to various IP addresses connected to his home address. The FBI then served a search warrant on the residence and found "incriminating evidence."

Filion has been charged as an adult for a variety of offenses, including making a false report while facilitating or furthering an act of terrorism. He is currently being detained in Florida, CNN reported.

Earlier this year, Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) introduced legislation to "crack down" on swattings after he became a target at his home in December. If passed, the Preserving Safe Communities by Ending Swatting Act would impose strict penalties, including a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison for any swatting that lead to serious injuries. If death results, bad actors risk a lifetime sentence. That bill is currently under review by the House Judiciary Committee.

"We must send a message to the cowards behind these calls—this isn’t a joke, it’s a crime,” Scott said.

Last year, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) warned that an "unprecedented wave" of swatting attacks in just two weeks had targeted 11 states, including more than 200 schools across New York. In response, Schumer called for over $10 million in FBI funding to "specifically tackle the growing problem of swatting."

Schumer said it was imperative that the FBI begin tracking the incidents more closely, not just to protect victims from potentially deadly swattings, but also to curb costs to law enforcement and prevent unnecessary delays of emergency services tied up by hoax threats.

As a result of Schumer's push, the FBI announced it would finally begin tracking swatting incidents nationwide. Hundreds of law enforcement agencies and police departments now rely on an FBI database to share information on swatting incidents.

Coordination appears to be key to solving these cases. Lemma noted that SCSO has an "unwavering dedication" to holding swatters accountable, "regardless of where they are located." His office confirmed that investigators suspect that Filion may have also been behind "other swatting incidents" across the US. SCSO said that it will continue coordinating with local authorities investigating those incidents.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2024-02-02 10:54 ID:xI788OjD

"Make no mistake, we will continue to work tirelessly in collaboration with our policing partners and the judiciary to apprehend swatting perpetrators," Lemma said. "Gratitude is extended to all agencies involved at the local, state, and federal levels, and this particular investigation and case stands as a stern warning: swatting will face zero tolerance, and measures are in place to identify and prosecute those responsible for such crimes."

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