modern search engines are garbage (71)

55 Name: Anonymous : 2023-09-14 02:08 ID:+/Dv41Yw

w3m supports images pretty well but struggles with thumbnails.

I love putting on some music and just websurfing. Finding links, following stuff by word of mouth, keying in queries to find something, just surfing through or even library of congress to find some weird occult manuscript from the 1500s or some dumb sci fi magazine. Trawling through anime sites to get my fix, just picking something at random for the adventure.

The internet is a powerful tool and most people have no idea. Their slaves to convenience. Apple and Microsoft offer them ease in padded cells and they just take it. Now AI slop will hollow them out further. People become slaves to things, they ignore real beauty in the world, they ignore the hellscape politicians and made around us, too busy scrolling, jerking off or shopping. They become Marcuse’s one dimensional man.

The worst thing you can do is stick a smartphone in someone’s hand. People should learn to internet. The minimum basics of Linux or BSD, basics of Emacs, how to browse in net with CLI browser, how to use librewolf and Tor, and just let them loose on a directory of links or a web ring and let them surf. No gaming. No corporate social media algorithms. No bloated websites. Just good old fashioned exploration.

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