Worst thing you’ve seen online? (67)

9 Name: Anonymous : 2023-03-14 07:29 ID:Ikv5EGAh

I came across a bunch of gore stuff from torrents and random places online as a teenager. Remember a bunch of Faces of Death videos from the early to mid 2000s. For some reason nothing like that ever really bothered me. The only video online that's ever really fucked with me is some video I came across where someone's eyes were being cut out with a scalpel. I guess what fucks with me is anything to do with heavily damaging or fucking up someone's eyes.

I remember watching that on YouTube as well. 2006 seems about right. There was plenty of content like that on the website back then. Including many of the things that were being torrented around the time. Was a different time and didn't have the level of censorship and content moderation going on back then. Even Google's own video platform that was still around at the time would have similar content on it as well. Remember watching compliations there at one point.

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