How come this textboard isn't more popular? (107)

27 Name: Anonymous : 2023-04-25 10:01 ID:HMYNzRtT

I find the textboard way to number and organize posts superior. The way each thread has its own post numbers and how you can do advanced view links like showing only specific posts and stuff. It allows to cleanly view quotes in a separate page without JavaScript. That pleases my pseudoautism. You can create a page with the posts you want and then just Ctrl+S save the page, and it just werks! Saved exactly what I want super quick for later access. That's glorious. On imageboards, saving threads locally is a lot more involved if you want to save the files and posts.

Another cool thing textboards have going for them is very low resource usage and liability because it's all just text. Digital sovereignty, resiliency, and footprint are important. 4chan uses normie-pozzed third party stuff like Cloudflare and requires Coinbase to buy a Pass. Using it over anonymity networks like Tor and I2P is very sub-optimal. Thanks to the low resource usage of textboards, it's possible to do without stuff like Cloudflare, making it easier to host despite attempts to take it down, and allow smooth Tor/I2P access. In fact you could make it darknet only, it will load fast enough.

My ideal anonymous board would be a textboard but with arbitrary file attachments added on top, if that makes sense. File thumbnails would be generated where appropriate. A different, parallel evolution into an "image" board.

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