How come this textboard isn't more popular? (107)

35 Name: Anonymous : 2023-05-05 22:56 ID:xBnEkR2y

>wants textboard to be more popular
>resists all change

I guess the question is, how does 4-ch stay 4-ch while adapting to survive as a niche 2channel clone? It's like gatekeeping, where exactly do we draw the line? There need to be some functional improvements, but that doesn't mean morphing into Reddit. But what do you want really? Do you want textboards to be more popular or do you want it to remain in a niche closeted semi-dead thing?

Phoneposters didn't ruin the internet, people have been posting online from handhelds for years. Hell, to log in on old minicomputers you had to call dial the computer's number with a telephone with one of those old rotary dialers. Usenet used dial up connections and telephone modems. Fuck, if you really wanna stretch things the Sumerians and Babylonians were the first to use tablets. The internet always sucked, but it's trashy today for more than one reason. Smartphones shouldn't be catered to at the expense of PCs, but providing basic mobile functionality is important.

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