How come this textboard isn't more popular? (107)

48 Name: Anonymous : 2023-05-09 22:48 ID:QgJtLpP7

Someone should just aggregate all the biggest text boards from around the world: what’s left of 2channel, 5channel, 4-ch, world2ch, the whole bunch of obscure Japanese BBS into one massive, multi-lingual, multi-national site. It’ll be 2channel 2.0 but works without JS, no containment boards, document format embed, autoban for linking to discord, enable Tor posting and global rules and moderation designed to keep the cancer and social media retards off. No /pol/tards, no porn addict culture, no gender transition fetishism or Twitter retards. Advertise it as anonymous, private and secure communication without the moderation issues of Reddit.

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